Journal articles

Using keyword canon of creativity

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Reekie, Don Heart of Humanity: Thinking it Through with Moreno Again and Again (PDF, 106.2 KB) Journal 22 December 2013 canon of creativity, health, humanity, Moreno, Psychodrama Don argues each concept in Moreno's vision for humanity is appreciated best when viewed in the light of all the others. He suggests that taking them one by one often leads to misinterpretation. Worse, the psychodrama community may become distanced from Moreno's core philosophies. Embracing Moreno's thinking as a whole enhances and refines the comprehension and application of his work. The central thrust of Moreno's thinking attends to a range of factors that together powerfully assist us to work effectively with the heart of humanity. Within this article, Don asks you to think of social systems, individual systems, each individual person, personality and relationships, as well as their physical and mental well-being and family health. 13 2013-12