How to: Add a new Journal

A new AANZPA Journal requires you to:

  1. Add the Articles
  2. Add an Edition page for the current year
  3. Change the image on the Journal Home Page
  4. Add a Blurb to the Journal Issues Page

1. Add the Articles

  1. Unzip and the Journal files
  2. Log in to the AANZPA website
  3. Go to Media
  4. Upload all of the articles and the cover image
  5. Go to the Dashboard
  6. Go to Articles > Journal Issues
  7. Add the new Issue name eg Journal 33 December 2024 (slug 2024-12)
  8. Go to Articles > Article Authors
    1. Add the names of any new authors
    2. Use format LastName, FirstName.
    3. The slug will be automatically generated
    4. Author names can also be added later
  9. Go to Articles > Article Terms
    1. Add any new terms (Keywords)
    2. Article Terms can be also be added later
  10.  Go to Articles > Add New Article
    1. Using the Journal Contents page as a guide add the Articles eg Editorial
    2. Follow the prompts to add
      1. Title 
      2. Author(s)
      3. Terms
      4. Abstract
      5. Sequence in issue
      6. Document (go to Media and attach the correct PDF file)
    3. Click Publish
  11. Continue adding articles one at a time, increasing the Sequence number so the articles appear in the correct order.

 2. Add an Edition page for the current year

  1. Go to the edition page for the current year
  2. Click Duplicate Post (Page)
  3. Enable the Visual Editor on the duplicated page
  4. Replace the full size image of the current Journal cover with the new Journal cover
  5. Change the link of the Image to the PDF of the full version
  6. Change the HeyZine link to the flipbook for the current year
  7. Open the text module in the left column
  8. Change the Contents text to that of the current edition:
    1. Click on Add media
    2. Add all of the previously uploaded Journal articles
    3. Make the linked files into a bullet list
    4. Change the text to match the text in the Journal Contents list



3. Change the image on the Journal Home Page

  1. Go to the Journal Home page
  2. Enable the Visual Editor
  3. Replace the full size image of the current Journal cover with the new Journal cover
  4. Change the link of the image to the current edition



4. Add a Blurb to the Journal Issues Page

  1. Go to the Journal Issues Page
  2. Enable the Visual Editor
  3. Duplicate the previous year’s Blurb
  4. Change the Image in the duplicated Blurb to that of the current edition
  5. Change the link of the Blurb to that of the current edition
  6. Add rows and columns and move the blurbs as needed to create room for the new Blurb