AANZPA Conference 2008
Melbourne: January 23 – 27, 2008
Vitality illuminates the moment, enlivening our imaginative intelligence and generative ability. It enables us to project ourselves out towards one another and alerts us to the seamless flow between the personal and the social worlds in which we live. Being a vital presence has great value and relevance in contemporary life. This conference will offer a wide range of presentations, workshops and discussions which highlight and explore these themes. We trust you will come, enjoy and be replenished.
Chris Hosking and Jenny Hutt Co-Convenors Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc. Conference 2008
Conference Overview
ANZPA Annual General Meeting
Saturday 26 January 9.30am – 4.30pm at Newman College. This includes reports, presentation of certificates and exploration of concerns relevant to the life and ongoing development of the association.
Dinner Dance
6.30pm Saturday 26 January at Queens College Dining Hall. This is included in the conference fee.
Tuesday 22 January
9.00am | Welcome |
9.30am | Pre-conference workshops |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm | Pre-conference workshops |
5.30pm | Dinner |
7.30pm – 9.30pm | Max Clayton workshop continues |
Wednesday 23 January
9.30am | Pre-conference workshops |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm – 4.30pm | Pre-conference workshops |
5.00pm | Conference Opening |
6.00pm | Dinner |
7.30pm – 9.30pm | Evening Session |
Thursday 24 January
9.30am | Workshops/presentations |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm | Workshops/presentations |
5.30pm | Dinner |
7.30pm – 9.30pm | Evening Session |
Friday 25 January
9.30am | Workshops/presentations |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm | Workshops/presentations |
5.30pm | Dinner |
7.30pm – 9.30pm | Evening Session |
Saturday 26 January
9.30am | ANZPA AGM and Life of the Association |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm – 4.30pm | AGM and Life of the Association |
4.30pm – 6.30pm | Free time |
6.30pm – 12.00pm | Dinner dance |
Sunday 27 January
9.00am | Workshops/presentations |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm – 3.30pm | Closing |
6.00pm | Dinner |
Monday 28 January
9.30am | Post-conference workshops |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm | Post-conference workshops |
6.00pm | Dinner |
7.30pm – 9.30pm | Annette Fisher workshop continues |
Tuesday 29 January
9.30am | Post-conference workshops |
12.30pm | Lunch |
2.00pm – 4.30pm | Post-conference workshops |
Conference Workshops
Wednesday 23rd January – Evening Session 7.30 to 9.30
Session 1
Maintaining a Vital Presence in the Life of the Conference – Brigid Hirschfeld
The purpose of this session is to assist the participants to warm up adequately to the conference. We arrive with a wealth of feelings and experiences bubbling up in us. Some of us may be new to psychodrama and to psychodrama conferences which have their own spirit and ways of functioning. Others may be at a change point in their lives and wish to make the most of what is present. Psychodrama methods will be used to explore the theme of the conference and its relationship with our own personal themes. There will be a focus on opening up to learning and to spontaneity.
Brigid Hirschfeld is an experienced therapist and clinical supervisor in private practice. She is a Psychodramatist, TEP and a staff member of the Queensland Training Institute of Psychodrama.
Session 2
Being a Vital Presence – Marilyn McCarthy
The purpose of this experiential session is to share stories and use action to develop our ability to be present to ourselves and to others. We each have experiences of our own presence, and of being with another whose presence continues to positively influence our lives. It may have been a loved teacher, family member, stranger in the street, or someone that we’ve never met who has inspired us. In this session we will work together to deepen our experience of presence, to bring it more fully into our life and work.
Marilyn McCarthy employs action methods in her work as an organisation consultant, counsellor and educator. For several years, she has taught in the Graduate Diploma, Masters, and Doctor of Counselling programs for the University of South Australia. She is currently completing Certification as a Psychodramatist with ANZPA.
Session 3
Mindfulness and the Psychodramatic Method – Tim Mapel
This will be an experiential workshop where we will explore and practice applying the principles of mindfulness to our work in psychodrama. Mindfulness is the capacity we all have to be awake to the many levels of our experience in the present moment. In our work as directors, protagonists or auxiliaries cultivating mindfulness encourages a sensitivity and awareness that enhances the psychodramatic experience. In this workshop we explore the concept and practice of mindfulness and apply it experientially in some short vignettes.
Tim Mapel is an advanced psychodrama trainee in New Zealand. He has spent many years integrating Eastern and Western concepts of transformational growth and healing and works with individuals, couples and groups to facilitate personal growth. He currently lectures at the Eastern Institute of Technology in Hawkes Bay and works in private practice.
Session 4
Vitality: An Essential Element of the Spontaneous Auxiliary – Bev Hosking and Marilyn Sutcliffe
The work of the auxiliary can be an important source of vitality and learning for the protagonist and ourselves. A mix of creativity, expressiveness and thoughtfulness in auxiliary roles will bring life to any drama. In this workshop the focus will be on expanding the auxiliary’s ability to tune in to the protagonist, to embody a role, and to assist the protagonist to warm up and to maintain their warm up. There will be work to strengthen the relationship of the auxiliary with the director, the protagonist and other auxiliaries and to see each psychodrama as a co-creation.
Bev Hosking is a Role Trainer and has been on the training staff of WPTI since 1988. She has extensive experience as a playback theatre practitioner and trainer and is committed to bringing forward spontaneity and creativity in all aspects of life and work.
Marilyn Sutcliffe is a Psychodramatist and TEPIT. The work of the auxiliary ego and the spontaneous actor has been her passion for many years both as a psychodramatist, trainer and playback theatre practitioner.
Session 5
The Pragmatics of Spontaneity Development – On Being a Vital Presence – Don Reekie
The free flow of vitality, originality, creativity and warm up are possible because of spontaneity. Personality, being and intimacy depend on healthy spontaneity. Lively relationships, vital engagement and robust personal relating are sourced by spontaneity. Psychodrama’s power is in releasing and generating spontaneity. This two hour workshop will attend to the group members’ personal development through spontaneity in their functioning. Phases of spontaneity development and freedom to be will be worked with actively and mindfully. The session includes psychodramatic production exploration and integration.
Don Reekie is a Psychodramatist and TEP active in the psychodrama training institutes in Brisbane and Christchurch.
Session 6
Expressing Yourself – A Vital Presence – Robert Brodie
In this experiential session participants may expect to be actively engaged in the psychodrama method as they warm up to themselves in relation to the theme of the Conference, their purposes for participating in the Conference and one another. We will seek to engender the vitality that emerges in tender expression and contact. This workshop is intended to integrate those fresh to the method and those frequently washed in its dew.
Robert Brodie is a Psychodramatist and TEP who applies the psychodrama method in a range of settings, from individual therapy through to education and organisational development. He is Director of the Psychodrama Training Institute of South Australia and Secretary of the ANZPA Board of Examiners.
Thursday 24th January – Morning Session 9.30 – 12.30
Session 7A
Sociodrama and Collective Trauma – Peter Felix Kellermann (1.5 hours)
I will present various applications of sociodrama as they are described in my book with the same title. The first application, crisis sociodrama, deals with collective trauma and group responses to catastrophic events of national significance. The second application, political sociodrama, deals with social problems of power and equality. The third application, diversity sociodrama, deals with conflicts based on stereotypes, prejudice, racism, intolerance, etc. The fourth application is sociodrama for conflict management, and the fifth application deals with post-conflict reconciliation and community rehabilitation. Sociodrama as a whole may have a unique potential for helping large groups of people work through their collective trauma so that, when the time is ripe, they may approach the struggles of human co-existence with more awareness and humility.
Peter Felix Kellermann is a clinical psychologist and an international lecturer and trainer in psychodrama and sociodrama. He is presently working in AMCHA, a treatment centre for Holocaust survivors and their families and at the International School of Holocaust Studies in Yad Vashem. He is the author of Focus on Psychodrama and Sociodrama and Collective Trauma, and co-editor of Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors, as well as numerous articles in the fields of psychodrama, group psychotherapy and Holocaust traumatisation.
Session 7B
The Magic Shop – Neil Hucker (1.5 hours)
The session will be an experiential demonstration session for psychodrama practitioners and trainees. I will run a Magic Shop and group members can experience the magical benefits of trading personal qualities with me the shopkeeper in my magic shop. The Magic Shop was developed by Moreno as an example of controlled therapeutic acting out and can be used as a warm up experience, spontaneity training, a therapeutic experience in its own right and can be magically entertaining.
Neil Hucker “I am a Consultant Psychiatrist in private practice using psychodrama in individual and group psychotherapy. The Magic Shop is one of many techniques of the psychodramatic method that I use to bring vitality and fun to the psychotherapeutic process of personal development and change.”
Session 8
Psychodrama of Ambivalence – John Devling
Clearing the way for spirited actions. Ambivalence is a given in the human experience, ubiquitous, ever present, our interiors drawn towards different and contrasting goals, needs, desires, aspirations and yearnings. Decisions. Sadly we can be all too stuck, conflicted, immobilised, de-energised, split and divided, over what to do, what to choose. Emerging from ambivalence frees up creative spontaneous responses. Psychodrama is great for this very purpose: the concretisation, action exploration towards resolution of the ambivalence, experiencing the polarities, the bookends. The presence of symbol, image and metaphor apply themselves beautifully to this human dilemma. This will be an experiential demonstration session.
John Devling has worked in several countries, with different populations. He works with individuals, couples, groups and organizations. His current cutting edge is conducting psychodrama in China. He presented at the 1st Expressive Therapies and Psychodrama conference held there 2007. He lives within a secluded piece of forest, enjoys jazz, world music, art and growing vegetables.
Session 9
“Me, I, You and Us All” – Sandra Turner
Moreno’s theory of personality development continues to be a robust framework for understanding who we are in the world. In this session we will focus on the Matrix of All Identity with particular regard to how to assess this stage of development whilst identifying which interventions are indicated and which are of little use at all. There will be a presentation, exploration and enactments, some fun and hopefully some learning for all of us; you, me, I and us all.
Sandra Turner “It is only recently that I have got to grips with the practical applications of the Matrix of All Identity and so now I see it everywhere. When not thinking about this I can be found living a rich community life in Dunedin, NZ, as a Psychodramatist, trainer, partner and mother.”
Session 10
What to Do When I Don’t Know What to Do! – Carlos A Raimundo
Psychotherapy, Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring – all involve interpersonal relationships. We may find ourselves as practitioners facing situations where we don’t know what to do. This may be due to the client not bringing any material to address, or not contributing to the session. We may be tired, worried, with “issues” that overwhelm us making it difficult to engage with the client. Yes we’re human. But despite those issues we know that we could transform that “difficult” situation into an opportunity for growth, for both. To achieve this we need to develop progressive roles and have available skills to make this happen. This workshop will provide a Role Development opportunity as well as practical and immediately applicable techniques.
Dr Carlos A Raimundo, Psychiatrist (Argentina), Psychodramatist and Educator (ANZPA), has developed the Strategic Relationship Management Model and Play of Life. Author of Relationship Capital, he directs the Active Learning Co., a learning and training organisation. He is currently researching biological bases for permanence in behavioural change, relevant to personal life and corporate management. He was awarded the Innovation Award by ASGPP in 2003.
Session 11
Open Sphere – can the peer to peer sociometric structures in internet based applications like Wikipedia, Linux, and Linkedin be used in organisations? – Tim Gartside
Key attributes of an ‘open sphere’ structure are: Distribution: the attractive, ambivalent and repellent forces are distributed throughout the structure and productively resolved. Three-dimensional: the structure is represented in a 3d polyhedral model, which helps participants to shift from 2d to 3d thinking. Peer discipline: well designed protocols guide the emerging interaction in the group.
In this experiential session we will design an ‘open sphere’ structure based on the sociometry of the group attending the session. We will be working with sociometric choices in this session.
Tim Gartside has been working in or around organisations since the mid 1980’s provoking and fostering more spirited interactions. In the last five years this has included collecting and reporting on sociometric data. In May he was struck with the possibilities of three dimensional representations of sociometric data. The Open Sphere initiative is exploring those possibilities.
Session 12
Dreams – Language of the Soul – Dorothea Wojnar
This session will involve working with dreams drawing on the traditions of Analytic Psychodrama, a popular European method, which combines Jungian psychology and Morenian psychodrama. Carl Gustav Jung saw the dream as “a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul.” Jacob Levy Moreno said to Sigmund Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis: “You analyze their dreams. I give them the courage to dream again.”
This session utilizes psychodrama and active imagination.
Dorothea Wojnar is an advanced psychodrama trainee and current President of the Canberra Jung Society.
Session 13
Healing The Traumatized Spirit Through Creative Experience – Michael Burge
Traumatic experiences such as war, rape, abuse and loss of significant relationships can leave the individual’s identity and spirit fractured and disowned. Functional life-giving roles, such as self-appreciator, dignified powerful explorer and fun lover can be difficult or near impossible to find. Instead, less healthy roles such as fearful victim, defender, self-loather, isolate, zombie and violent actor may predominate. Experiential methods, such as psychodrama, can help the traumatised client develop better relationships with the self and rediscover lost roles. This is predominantly achieved through the creation of safety and containment through the setting up of boundary parameters, and protective systems.
Michael Burge is the Director of the Australian College of Trauma Treatment, has worked in the area of PTSD for 19 years. He set up and supervised trauma response teams in country Victoria. He introduced PTSD treatment methods to Melbourne universities and introduced short skills based training for the treatment of PTSD. Michael has published widely in the field, including in Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors.
Thursday 24th January – Afternoon Session 2.00 to 5.30
Session 14
The Heart of Tele – Rebecca Mary Ridge
‘Tele’ is one of Moreno’s greatest contributions to social psychology as it articulates the clear essence within healthy relationships. Tele is the ability to see the world through another’s eyes and to role reverse into their inner world, while holding the boundary of self. Psychodrama directors use tele, seeing and listening from the heart, to develop functioning relationships within groups. We will work with specific somatic exercises to develop the awareness of the belly brain, hone the wisdom of the heart and deepen the intuitive skills that strengthen the proprioceptors for the director’s telic wisdom. You will also learn ways to hold your professional boundaries, as director, during encounters, recognizing tele as a key ingredient in building reciprocal relationships within a group.
Rebecca Mary Ridge is a Registered Health Psychologist. She wrote her dissertation on Somatic therapies integrated with Psychodramatic Theory with the title “The Body Alchemy of Psychodrama”. Rebecca incorporates shiatsu, yoga, body-mind centering and craniosacral therapy into her work as a trainer. She runs a private practice and works as an educator and trainer in Sydney, the USA and internationally.
Session 15
Co-creation of the Learning Journey – Philippa van Kuilenburg
When we work with others or ourselves in the journey of personal development understanding what the next step is, and its focus, is an art in itself. The process is one of co-creation between the learner and coach/trainer. In order to make this process visible and tangible a metaphor was born and a model developed. “This will be a practical session explaining how I work as a Role Trainer with the metaphor and model with learners, managers, teachers and trainers. My thesis describes the process and now I invite both learners and trainers to enter a journey with me to discover how the metaphor can enhance your practice and journey in life.
Philippa van Kuilenburg is a Role Trainer who is self employed as a coach/mentor in organisations and with individuals. She contracts as a group therapist working with parents assisting them to manage their anger and stress in a healthy manner to prevent child abuse. She is a mother, wife, grandmother and artist on a journey of great discoveries.
Session 16
Maximising Spontaneity – Lorna Di Lollo
Maximising the energy from the source – spontaneity – greatly facilitates growth towards autonomy, authenticity and authority. Creating a group space where all members express their truth, as it occurs, allows everyone to warm up while sharing and to be protagonist and/or auxiliary for everyone else. Each individual’s spontaneity continually adds to that of the group, which expands exponentially. Role reversal, modelling, mirroring and doubling begin to self-communicate in a natural, automatic way. Ultimately, this allows everyone to become a self-director.
Lorna Di Lollo is a psychotherapist and Psychodramatist with many years experience. She encourages a group dynamic in which each member’s spontaneity is allowed full expression, resulting in concurrent, overlapping dramas.
Session 17
Community Development in Cape York – Diz Synnot
This session is designed to give participants a sociodramatic experience of working as a community developer in far north Queensland in an indigenous community. Participants can expect to take up the part of teenagers who have decided to discontinue their schooling, elders who want to hand on community leadership, workers from outside the community who are not permanent residents, and others. We will explore and reflect on what unfolds. There will be the usual pauses and discussions as life opens out in the drama. There may be some teaching in the use of sociometry as social change. Also, a half hour review of the sociodrama session by participants will conclude the workshop.
Diz Synnot collaborates with a group to provide leadership development to indigenous communities in Cape York. Working with the teenagers is an experiment that is welcomed by the community. Diz is a staff member of Queensland Training Institute for Psychodrama, a Sociodramatist and TEPIT, and has a Masters of Social Science.
Session 18
Lumps, Bumps and Hairy Bends: Revisiting Teen Spirit – Jane Maher
Adolescence is a time potent with possibility as a child becomes an adult. New experiences of the body, the mind and the heart strings occur in the context of quivering excitement and vulnerability about relating to peers. This session will enable participants to re-visit and re-view social experiences during adolescence to enable re-vitalisation of connection, confidence and belonging today. The session will warm participants up to each other as group peers and their experiences as adolescent peers and will include psychodramatic enactments.
Jane Maher has worked for over 10 years with adolescents who are shy, lonely and bullied. Through this experience she has become passionate about working with individuals and groups to alleviate shame, self rejection and isolation and make way for fresh experiences of the self and others.
Session 19
The Intuitive Leap – Rollo Browne
Intuition is highly personal and unique. Some find it in their bones or in their body, others in their feelings, thoughts or actions. At times people reject their intuition, refuse to trust it or are fearful where it might lead. Sometimes it may even be wrong. However we will never learn from it unless we take that leap. As psychodramatists committed to valuing spontaneity, we use intuition to sense or know something immediately without reasoning. This is essential when we have no access to our thinking or cannot rely on reasoning alone. We will explore the role of intuition in your life, where you find it, where it works for you, where it fails you and what you might do to cultivate a different relationship with it.
Rollo Browne is a Sociodramatist and on the staff at Psychodrama NSW. He often works in organisations and as a coach and has found that the development and trust of one’s intuition is a central part of the work.
Session 20A
Spontaneity AND Precision: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) & Psychodrama – Bernard Parker (1.5 hours)
ACT is an exciting new therapy that is challenging current mainstream psychology. The similarities to psychodrama are striking. Both are essentially using experiential, exposure and action methods, both aspire for ‘vital presence’, and both view clients as fundamentally healthy. And while specific techniques may be different, the functions are the same. Hence both therapies can grow from each other. Precision is a core value of ACT, and this enables it to be more amenable to empirical research and validation.As such it is getting recognition by universities, in the form of research grants and hopefully soon, Health Insurance payments which have been so tied to CBT.
Bernard Parker is social worker and psychotherapist in private practice and at Canberra’s Calvary Hospital.
Session 20B
Social Atom Repair After Parental Suicide – Sara Crane (1.5 hours)
In this paper I will present my understanding of the young child’s experience of parental suicide and how this influences the way in which I apply the psychodramatic method in interventions with the family system. This will be illustrated by three case studies. I will speculate on the nature of and conditions for resilience and hope in social atom repair and I will relate how I use my dog as a co-therapist. Participants may wish to bring case material to contribute to a group discussion following the paper.
Sara Crane is a Psychodramatist, TEP and psychotherapist who works with children and families and provides supervision and team development to community agencies. She is a staff member of the Christchurch Institute of Training in Psychodrama and a Playback Theatre practitioner.
Thursday 24th January – Evening Session 7.30 – 9.30
Session 21
‘The experience is mutual’- Debbie Orr
When three people who have formed a small group experience a high level of companionship, their interaction can be rich and productive. A group like this can achieve something greater than what might have been possible had the individuals met separately in pairs.
This workshop will explore the sometimes awkward transition when two people are joined by a third person. If the initial pair are experiencing mutuality and are then able to warm up to include a third person, something new and rich can occur.The purpose of the workshop is to further develop our spontaneity and encourage mutuality.
Debbie Orr is an advanced psychodrama trainee, currently employed as a senior mental health clinician in a Victorian public health network. She works with GP’s and Community Health Centres and their clients. As a psychiatric and general nurse with a long- standing interest in psychotherapy and group work, Debbie hopes to further integrate the psychodramatic method into her work.
Session 22
The Language of Love – Annette Fisher
What is Love ?
The paradox of love is that it holds humanity together through connection, transcendence and the caring of the other and yet love also causes human suffering.
What is meant when we say ‘love’? Maybe we mean a fluttering heart, love of the other, self love, love of beauty, unconditional love, sentimentality, over-indulgence, troubled love or a broken heart.
Gender, ethics and politics all influence the notion of love. Socrates talks of the loved and the beloved and also proposed that philosophy, like love, rises through the work of passion.
This workshop will investigate, through psychodramatic production, ideas and thoughts about ‘love’ in our current practice as psychodramatists, counsellors and psychotherapists.
Reference: Philosophy and Love, from Plato to Popular Culture, Linnel Secomb. Edinburgh University Press
Annette Fisher is a Psychodramatist, TEP and a visual artist.
Session 23
Working with Dreams – Cecelia Winkelman
Dreams can mean many things to the dreamer. For Freud they are the ‘royal road to the Unconscious’. Moreno showed a way to work with dreams in psychodrama. The aim of this session is to provide participants with an opportunity to consider a dream, the meaning the dream may have for them and to work with a dream in psychodrama. In psychodrama, the elements of the dream can be concretised. Interaction among the elements of the dream can bring forth spontaneity, a new role, or a catharsis of integration.
Cecelia Winkelman “As a Psychodramatist, I have worked with my own and with others’ dreams and have found that even over the course of years, a dream can continue to provide new meaning and opportunity for psychological integration.”
Session 24
Connecting with My Inner Psychodramatist – Kerry Robinson (1 hour)
We have many roles roaming around inside of us, sometimes an overwhelming feeling or a chattery mind, or doing, doing, doing can take us away from ourselves.
The purpose of this session is to bring into being the idea that our inner psychodramatist (director, producer) is the one of all knowledge and lies in the centre of self. It sits in a position of seeing all the roles in our life. Taking the perspective of the Inner Psychodramatist enhances our life force and our ability to be present in the world.This workshop will be mainly a lecture, with interactive moments.
Kerry Robinson “I am working in my own business as a beauty therapist and have done so for 25 years in various locations. I love my work. I have trained intensively in psychodrama at times (and other times not) since 2000.
Session 25
The Waking Giant: Climate Change – Margie Abbott
An aspect of my work with groups is raising consciousness about global warming/ climate change and the links with spirituality and ecology.
In this session I will use action methods to explore the impact of climate change on us and our world.
There will be a couple of brief PowerPoint presentations on climate change; an exploration of what the ‘waking giant’ – climate change sees, hears and feels; and the call to action in everyday life. An ancient proverb says “One who does not heed will be made to feel.” This workshop is about the courage it takes to heed and to feel.
Margie Abbott is a Sociometrist; adult educator and group worker. Margie specialises in mediation, ritual, and body, mind, spirit connections. She is also a member of a national eco-justice group which works to raise awareness about global warming and other earth-related issues.
Session 26
Improvisational Drama Techniques To Assist With Auxiliary Training – Phillip Corbett
This workshop offers improvisational drama techniques to extend the range of acting skills that can be drawn on by auxiliaries in a drama. Exercises in voice, body movement, character and role enactment assist with development of greater spontaneity and creativity in undertaking roles in a drama. These skills will also be practised in creative mirroring exercises.
The session culminates in a psychodrama where the participants have the opportunity to practise the skills developed during the workshop.
Phillip Corbett is an advanced trainee with the Australian College of Psychodrama with a background in theatre as an actor, director and playwright. He has run numerous workshops in improvisational drama at previous ANZPA conferences as well as in a variety of settings in Melbourne.
Friday 25th January – Morning Session 9.30 – 12.30
Plenary followed by morning tea
Session 27
Plenary address by Peter Felix Kellermann
Peter Felix Kellermann is a clinical psychologist and an international lecturer and trainer in psychodrama and sociodrama. He is presently working in AMCHA, a treatment centre for Holocaust survivors and their families and at the International School of Holocaust Studies in Yad Vashem. He is the author of Focus on Psychodrama and Sociodrama and Collective Trauma, and co-editor of Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors, as well as numerous articles in the fields of psychodrama, group psychotherapy and Holocaust traumatisation.
Session 28
Inside Out: Psychodrama in Search of the Child’s Eye View – Bernadette Hoey (1.5 hours)
In this workshop, assisted by a large collection of puppets and visual imagery, we’ll psychodramatically enter the smaller, less time-travelled body of a child – getting so close that we can say: “…..when you are near I will tear your eyes out and place them in place of mine” (Moreno). You’ll listen to a true story of children living ferally in a Rumanian underground railway station. Then, via a free-wheeling enactment of the central character’s story, you’ll feel the power imbalances that can occur when THE GOVERNMENT introduces menacingly unpredictable elements into the existing systems in a child’s life.
Bernadette Hoey is a teacher, social worker, and Psychodramatist who has worked with “hard-to-reach” children and adolescents for over forty years. They taught her much of what she knows. Their voices enter her workshops and are heard across the world through her book, ‘Who Calls The Tune?’ (published in English, Hebrew and Korean). She continues to write.
Session 29
A Vital and Relevant Life – Vivienne Pender (1.5 hours)
When we face existential crisies we often develop an ability to slough (cast off) what is irrelevant to living fully and ably. Our vitality and presence emerge more fully.
In this experiential workshop there will be some discussion and exploration of role dynamics encountered when facing existential crisies. We will warm up to the value of the double, accurate mirroring and role reversal as practitioners prepared to confront the relevance of our own lives.
Vivienne Pender is a Psychodramatist who works as a counsellor at Mary Potter Hospice, Wellington, and in private practice as a psychotherapist and supervisor.
Session 30
Working with the Defence of the Trainee Counsellor – Cecilia Winkelman (1.5 hours)
The role of the learner is unique to each person, yet a common reaction for the learner of counselling skills is to become defensive in experiential learning. The learner wants to learn, but fears being shown to be inadequate, incompetent or stupid in both in his/her own eyes and in front of his/her peers. This session will present some of my ideas in working with the defence.
Cecelia Winkelman “In my 27 years of experience in groupwork, I have come to appreciate how fears lead the learner to become defensive. I find I am thinking about this more in my teaching of counselling at the Australian Catholic University.”
Session 31
Working with the Stereotype – Peter Howie (1.5 hours)
The stereotype contains power, it contains our energies, we have stored up ideas, conjectures, beliefs and emotional responses around the stereotype. The bad stereotype contains all our darker envies and jealousies. The good stereotype contains many of our hidden desires and wishes. Consequently the stereotype holds a key to many of the unresolved and unrecognized act hungers that we all hold.
This experiential and teaching session will examine how the stereotype can be usefully worked with in psychodramas, sociodramas, role training and group settings. Learn to love and unleash the stereotype and not fear it as too superficial.
Peter Howie is a Psychodramatist, TEP and trainer working in Queensland. He is motivated to deepen his own and other’s appreciation of the power and flexibility of Morenian methods for uncovering human nature, creating completion in creation and fomenting revolutions that unleash life. He is the current President of ANZPA. Inc.
Session 32
Discovering Gold with a Mate – David Oliphant and Angela Young (1.5 hours)
Unlike Freud who met people on his territory, J L Moreno went out into the streets, encountering people in their natural surroundings. Unlike Freud who analysed people’s dreams, Moreno gave folks the courage to dream again. Today, ordinary people whom we train in pastoral care, go out into the community, streets, hospitals and homes, as intentional friends, being with people as ‘companions along the way’. Pastoral care students learn through a creative action/reflection role training process. They become expert non-experts. As spontaneity rises within the pastoral care relationship, so the life force within human spirituality freshens, revitalises and strengthens.
Our work in pastoral care training will be illustrated by inviting participants to companion each other, and then reflect on their experience, and creatively experiment.
David Oliphant is a clinical pastoral educator and an action/reflection philosopher of the Self. He is a trainee in the Psychodrama Training Institute of the ACT and lives on the far south coast of NSW.
Angela Young is an associate member of ANZPA and a member of the Pastoral Training Institute of the ACT. She currently co-leads personal development groups with colleagues in Canberra and works as a psychodramatic consultant to the Canberra and Region Centre for Spiritual Care and Clinical Pastoral Education Inc.
Session 33
Dealing with Difficult People – Peggy Cook (1.5 hours)
In this session Peggy will present the concepts that can warm up participants in a Dealing with Difficult People session. Peggy has spent 10 years successfully using these concepts. She finds them useful in assisting participants think systemically and to warm up to people they find difficult in the work setting. Peggy draws on the theory of Moreno’s role training and Assertiveness Skills Training. This session will include both theoretical input and a demonstration and will be useful for those who wish to conduct this type of workshop in organizations.
Peggy Cook is a Role Trainer with a background in education. She uses role training in a wide range of educational, community and organisational settings, and says “I enjoy using action methods to teach people to think systemically about their workplaces, understand their inner conflicts and communicate clearly about their needs and concerns.”
Session 34
Overcoming Mood Fatigue – Vivienne Thomson (1.5 hours)
The transformation from feeling tired, listless and lacking energy to becoming vital, imaginative, and creative requires consideration of what Moreno describes as the “golden theatrical rule” which identifies the relationship between motion, state, time, and productive capacity.
Viv will present her work with the New Zealand National Immigration Call Centre that used a union/employer partnership approach to address high levels of stress, staff turnover and absenteeism as a means of increasing the Call Centre’s productivity and effectiveness. This session will include both presentation and action.
Vivienne Thomson is a Sociodramatist, and TEP on the staff of the Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama, and is a member of the Board of Examiners. Viv has worked as a consultant in organisation development for 20 years with particular experience assisting unions and employers to work together in partnership.
Friday 25th January – Afternoon Session 2.00 to 5.30
Session 35A
Psychodrama Director Training Workshop – Peter Felix Kellermann (1.5 hours)
This session involves exploring the four different roles of the psychodramatist director: the analyst, the producer/theatre director, the therapist and the group leader. There will be teaching and enactment.
Session 35B
And Sociodrama Looked into the Mirror – Andrea Barrett (90 Minute Lecture)
Recent sociodramatic literature has referenced the potential for Sociodrama to be used without a group…. The purpose of this lecture is to outline the context and description of sociodramatic interventions used on a one-to-one basis with organisational leaders in the USA. Interventions and results will be overviewed. Significant indicative factors for this methodology as an enhancement of leadership capacity in organisational culture will be reviewed. Time will be allotted for discussion of presented work. It is intended that further research needs in the arena of one to one Sociodramatic intervention will be identified and that a future specialist interest forum will emerge.
Andrea Barrett is an organisational consultant with expertise in executive coaching and organisational cultural change programs both in Australia and the USA. Her current work focus includes the enhancement of leadership capacity. Andrea recently instigated the ASGPP Special Interest Group – “taking Moreno out onto the streets of our communities”.
Session 36
Creating Exciting Sociodrama for Vital Futures – Brendan Cartmel
The purpose of the session is to empower our capacity to engage with one another whilst creating socially and making community. As keen adult learners and like-principled people who value fresh experience we are each capable of learning more about how we learn, to maximise mutual social benefit through satisfying and enjoyable learning.
The session will commence with a warm-up exercise that will set us on reflecting about ourselves as social beings and how we have constructed ourselves to suit our various social and cultural situations and how we can get fresh perspectives of ourselves as cultural creatives making our social futures.
Vignette enactments will enable role training to increase our capacity as a learning group through framing sociodramatic questions and discovering new perspectives of ourselves as active social agents.
Brendan Cartmel conducted a successful counselling service using psychodrama methods over 5 years in outer suburban Melbourne, conducting personal growth groups for men that attracted strong support. He is managing director of a technical writing, engineering services and community consultations company. Brendan regularly attends “Being Integral Group” and “Wilber Open Discussion” philosophy groups and SLAM Cafes.
Session 37A
The Circularity of Roles: Practice and Theory – Andrew Gunner (1.5 hour)
A circular understanding of roles will be presented based on systems theory and psychodynamic theory. This suggests practical interventions for counsellors based on amplifying feedback. I developed these interventions during ten years counselling problem gamblers. Feedback links role theory with contemporary systems theory, chaos theory and network theory. These ideas support the use of the focal conflict model.
The presentation extends an article available in the “Australian and NZ Journal of Family Therapy” and via http://www.vicnet.net.au/~gunner.
This session involves a presentation with some group participation. Participants will be asked to identify feedback in a situation that they know.
Andrew Gunner “My work as a counsellor has included ten year as a problem gambling counsellor. I have developed my own understanding of the madness of addiction – and of human functioning in general. This emerged from my counselling work, my research master’s degree and my psychodrama training.”
Session 37B
I, Me, and Myself; together in ACTION – David Oliphant (1.5 hours)
Learning to think from the point of view of action and practice is one of the challenges facing us modern human beings in our attempt to re-dress the emphasis in our culture on the Self as theoretical thinker. Moreno was a pioneer in promoting the primacy of action; another was the Scottish philosopher John Macmurray whose conception of the Self as Agent provides an interesting adjunct to Moreno’s work. This workshop will examine the Self as Agent and its implications for understanding our lives as persons in personal community, using the action methods of psychodrama.
David Oliphant is a clinical pastoral educator, and an action/reflection philosopher of the Self. He is a trainee in the Psychodrama Training Institute of the ACT.
Session 38
Encountering Triangles in Love and Work – Craig Whisker
Moreno’s concept of an encounter between protagonists can be viewed as an antidote for triangling. Triangling occurs when anxiety influences one or more people to avoid another person by seeking a 3rd party or a 4th or 5th to engage with. What is lost or what is left undeveloped is the vital presence of person to person relationship.
In this workshop participants are introduced to Murray Bowen’s concept of triangling and, utilising the role training method, are invited to explore their own triangulated relationship systems and to encounter the individuals therein.
Craig Whisker lives in New Zealand on the Kapiti Coast north of Wellington. He works as a family therapist, family therapy trainer and group worker, mostly in the mental health field. In 2006-2007 he has been completing the requirements for certification as a psychodramatist.
Session 39
Sociodrama: A Vital Presence – John Faisandier
In 2007 the Accident Compensation Corporation commissioned a pilot programme to address alcohol related injuries among Tongans in Auckland. The programme would address the cultural factors in the Tongan community which supported destructive drinking practices.
Tongan facilitators would be trained to use sociodramatic methods to explore these cultural forces. It was hoped that participants would increase their awareness of alcohol problems and moderate their drinking behaviour.
I will report on this project and consider how sociodramatic enactments can be a vital presence in promoting social and cultural change. We will engage in sociodramatic enactment to explore the cultural forces that are at work in our own society.
John Faisandier got hooked on the Tongan-way years ago as a school-leaver volunteer teacher. His subsequent chaplaincy work among Tongans in New Zealand broadened his involvement with different Pacific groups. He is a Psychodramatist and TEP based in Wellington.
Session 40
Using Psychodrama in your Work Place: What Roles do you Play in your Workplace?
– Kate Hill, Shirley Hamilton, Marian Bowyer, Janine Cahill
This experiential psychodrama session will be presented by intermediate trainees with their trainer present. There are two purposes for this session, firstly, to give trainees the opportunity to present their work in this forum, and secondly to give participants the opportunity to explore the roles they play at work through psychodrama.
The session will be conducted by the trainees each taking a section of the session: the warm up, enactment (vignettes directed by the trainees) and processing of the drama. These trainees have developed a method of identifying and doing a role analysis of the drama.
Kate Hill (Psychodramatist and TEP) and Shirley Hamilton, Marian Bowyer, and Janine Cahill, trainees from Psychodrama ~NSW.
Session 41
The Living Report Card – Antony Williams
Using ANZPA as a case in point, Antony will present a method of working in organisations that is lively enough to foster spontaneity, but not so lively as to scare the horses. Prior to the conference he will consult with the President to derive seven relevant criteria for evaluating ANZPA’s performance. In the session itself, members of the group will rank these criteria according to their perception of ANZPA in the recent past. A mildly psychodramatic/sociometric process will then be used to divine the meanings behind the ranking and to suggest ways to move forward.
Dr Antony Williams is a widely published author on action methods and a partner in a small organisational consulting firm in Melbourne.
Friday 25th January – Beginning of Evening Program 7.30pm
Special Session
“I” Awareness: A Defining Stage Presence – Georgina Cameron (15 minutes)
An experiential enquiry, this session demonstrates the significance of conscious “I” awareness, not only with regards to our being but consciousness of being, for strengthening unity awareness and disengaging ourselves from old routines of the ego.
Through augmentation of the mirror technique and a simple staging device, the presence of “I”, experienced in the role of “I-witness”, is accorded a tangible existence on the stage.
As a stimulating intervention, the technique is offered to enhance the practice of our letting go into the spaciousness of the present, no matter how fleeting, with unfettered mind and heart so we can be present, vital and flowing.
Georgina Cameron operates drama studios for self development for all ages and also runs public speaking training programs in government and non-government schools. She facilitates interactive, creative learning groups and offers individual training for self presenting and interpersonal communication skills. Her favourite pursuits include yoga & meditation and global psychodrama and playback theatre communities.
Saturday 26th January, during ANZPA AGM
Special Session
Meet the International Association of Group Psychotherapy – Cecelia Winkelman (45 Minutes)
As J L Moreno was one of the founders of the IAGP, the aim of this session is to provide a presence for the IAGP at the Conference. IAGP encourages the development of group psychotherapy and group processes as fields of practice, training, consultancy and scientific study. Participants will have an opportunity to get to know about the IAGP. There will be a short presentation on the work of the IAGP, followed by question time.
Cecelia Winkelman represents ANZPA on the Board of the IAGP and is a Senior Lecturer at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne campus.
Sunday 27th January – Morning Session 9.30 to 12.30
Session 42
Three NEW Play of Life Techniques – “Great and Miserable technique”; “Values Technique” and “The Hinch” – Carlos Raimundo
A training session covering three specific techniques. Great and Miserable technique: This practical technique assists participants to take control, to develop roles, to identify the roles that help us to feel better in life; and which roles we need to avoid in our relationships. The Values technique helps participants to have a visual, three-dimensional view of the way the person lives in correlation to the life the want to have. The Hinch technique helps participants to define the life they want to have, the changes needed and especially the support needed to achieve that goal.
Dr Carlos A Raimundo, Psychiatrist (Argentina), Psychodramatist, Educator (ANZPA), has developed the Strategic Relationship Management Model and Play of Life. Author of Relationship Capital, he directs the Active Learning Co., a learning and training organisation. He is currently researching biological bases for permanence in behavioural change, relevant to personal life and corporate management. He was awarded the Innovation Award by American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama ASGPP in 2003.
Session 43
‘Psychodramatic Method with Borderline and Eating Disorder Clients in a Dyadic Setting and the life long quest for the missing piece/peace in these clients’ – Ela Langford
I will present my work with clients who have a DSM-IV diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder and/or Eating Disorder. Through teaching, demonstration, discussion and experiential exploration I will show the impact of intergenerational role patterning and where what has been denied in early formative years leaves a legacy of observable psychodramatic roles on clients and what happens to this legacy when psychodrama is used to reshape the individual’s social atom. I will share my discoveries of possible healing pathways for clients.
Discussion will include relevant concepts about the early rapport-attachment phase in infancy, the impact and results of early rapport-wounding, and the life long quest for the missing piece/peace in these clients.
Ela Langford is a counsellor with a background in psychotherapy and over thirteen years experience in private practice, focusing on eating and personality disorders. Ela applies her considerable experience in elective counseling/psychotherapy, action methodology and role training to her private practice and her Life-Role Coaching Company to assist the development and the experience of resourcefulness and balance.
Session 44
Sociodrama- Moreno in the World of Work – Andrea Barrett
The purpose of this workshop is to conduct a sociodrama exploring the conference theme – the vital presence of Moreno’s vision – particularly in the world of work. Through a director-directed warm-up the group will explore the possibilities and integrity of being truly present when faced with organisational crisis. Being true to oneself and challenging the vagaries of one’s organisational subgroup/ organisational culture is a demanding task. This workshop will provide useful reflection for those interested in organisational culture, crisis and change. There will be sharing and reflection following the sociodramatic enactment.
Andrea Barrett is an organisational consultant with expertise in executive coaching and organisational cultural change programs both in Australia and USA. Her current work focus includes the enhancement of leadership capacity. Andrea has recently instigated the ASGPP Special Interest Group – “taking Moreno out onto the streets of our communities.”
Session 45
Sex and Performance Anxiety – Renee Alleyne
Performance anxiety has the capacity to affect our functioning in many areas, including our sexual functioning. This session will involve participants in psychodramatic explorations of sexual functioning from either their personal lives (or their friends or clients lives!) A free and frank conversation about sexual matters will be invited and encouraged. This session will be experiential and educational using both classical psychodrama along with some mini-lectures and handouts.
Renee Alleyne from Motueka, NZ, is a Psychodramatist and an accredited therapist and trainer with Sex Therapy NZ (STNZ). She has been a counsellor/therapist in the Nelson/Motueka region for fourteen years. She brings warmth and humour to her work and is able to create a safe enough environment for personal development and learning to take place.
Session 46
An Exploration of the Impact of the Events of September 11th, 2001 – Helen Kearins and Colleen Guray
Some thinkers have argued that for the West the 21st Century truly began with the planes flying into the World Trade Centre. The fault lines created by these explosions have extended even to the other side of the world. Basic assumptions about our society are being undermined.
We will use a sociodramatic lens:
- To articulate some of the social forces which led to the events of “9/11”
- To explore the impact on us at the time
- To translate this impact into how we live our lives now
- To extend our ability to make a difference in the world
Helen Kearins has worked for many years in the arena of social justice.
Colleen Guray works in the corporate sector.
Both are advanced trainees in sociodrama.
Session 47
Bringing the Inside Out – Ethel Tillinger
Bringing what’s going on inside you out into the world. The aim of this session is to use the psychodramatic method informed by psychoanalytic thinking to help make conscious what is going on in the group and in one’s internal experience.
Knowing yourself more by being able to recognize and talk about what is going on internally can provide insights into your own unconscious and what is happening in the unconscious life of the group. This session will use individual awareness and interaction to create enactments that help reveal individual and group unconscious processes.
Ethel Tillinger has worked as a psychologist and psychotherapist for over 20 years. “I have run groups for children, adolescents and now young and older adults. Both psychodrama and psychoanalysis inform my work with students at the University of Melbourne Counselling Service. I’m interested in how we can enliven one another and ourselves through self-expression.”
Session 48A
Proud to be Apologising- Lynley McNab (1.0 hour)
In NSW high schools, students who have been ‘long suspended’, often for fighting or bullying, must attend a school meeting with their parent and the school counsellor. Often, the students who find themselves in this predicament are already disengaged from being a member of the school community, feel resentful and “hate school”.
In this paper, I will present how I use action methods with families, to support young people to develop skills to re-enter their school community with a sense of purpose and belonging, with less shame and with ideas on how to repair the situation with their peers. There will be time for discussion so bring along your own situations for us all to ponder.
Lynley McNab is an advanced psychodrama trainee and is currently working as a school counsellor in a high school, primary school and special school in the South Western Sydney “New Frontier” housing belt. Lynley has worked in the field of education for 20 years.
Session 48B
Psychodrama in China – John Devling (1.0 hour)
“I will speak to and reflect upon the accumulation of experiences and events that have occupied the past five or so years as I have attempted to bring psychodrama to people in China, so far a rich, intimidating, complex, very challenging and rewarding body of experience. I will welcome your interest and questions.
John Devling is a Psychodramatist who has worked in several countries, with different populations. He works with individuals, couples, groups, organizations. His current cutting edge is conducting psychodrama in China. He presented at the 1st Expressive Therapies & Psychodrama conference held there 2007. He lives within a secluded piece of forest, enjoys jazz, world music, art and growing vegetables.
Max is an experienced clinician, individual and group supervisor and trainer, working intensively in this field for many years. He has accrued significant skill and a depth of insight in teaching and training people in other cultures around the world. He is the author of several books on psychodrama. Max is a Psychodramatist; Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP); and a Distinguished Member of ANZPA.
Dates and Times
Tuesday 22nd January 2008: 9.00am – 12.30pm; 2.30pm – 6.00pm; 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Wednesday 23rd January 2008: 9.00am – 12.30pm; 2.00pm – 4.30pm
The workshop provides lunch and dinner on Tuesday and lunch on Wednesday.
AUS $415 (GST included)
A Sociodramatic Group Experience
Led by Dr Peter Felix Kellermann (Israel)
In this workshop, we will look at various individual and group issues in the here and now and choose those which we would like to explore further. A variety of common experiences and social situations can thus be explored, including those that involve love and work, as well as conflict and reconciliation. While individual concerns may be explored with psychodramatic techniques, these will be generalized into more universal themes within a pronounced focus on ‘the group-as-a-whole’.
Other participants of the group will be invited to also get actively involved and share their similar issues. As we listen to the collective messages expressed, we might be able to enlighten one another with our different ethnocentric points of view and come to appreciate that this is what makes us human.
Peter Felix Kellermann, PhD, was born in Sweden and has lived in Jerusalem, Israel, with his family since 1980. He is a clinical psychologist and an international lecturer and trainer in psychodrama and sociodrama. He is presently working in AMCHA, a treatment center for Holocaust survivors and their families and at the International School of Holocaust Studies in Yad Vashem. He is a fellow of the ASGPP (Zerka T. Moreno award 1993) and was the elected chair of the psychodrama-section of IAGP between 1998-2000. He is the author of “Focus on Psychodrama” (1992) and of “Sociodrama and Collective Trauma” (2007), and co-editor of “Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors” (2000) as well as author of numerous articles in the fields of psychodrama, group psychotherapy and Holocaust traumatization.
Dates and Times
Tuesday 22nd January 2008: 9.00am – 12.30pm; 2.00pm – 5.30pm
Wednesday 23rd January 2008: 9.30am – 12.30pm: 2.00pm – 4.30pm
The workshop provides lunch and dinner on Tuesday and lunch on Wednesday.
AUS $515 (including GST)
Post Conference Workshops
Exploring Relational Space
Attachment and inter-subjectivity – implications for psychodrama
Led by Patricia O’Rourke (Australia)
Relationship is the core experience through which we make meaning and give purpose to our lives. Our capacity for relationship is shaped within our family experience, especially our earliest attachment relationship. This experience shapes how we feel about ourselves, who we think we are and how we engage with the world.
In this one day workshop we will explore:
- how the capacity for relationship develops
- the nature of relational space
- our own relational capacity, our spontaneity and its effect on the relationship now
- the developmental nature of doubling and mirroring and their use in social atom/attachment repair
- concepts of inter-subjectivity, spontaneity and moments of change in psychodrama
- implications of this for participants’ professional practice
The workshop will be experiential. It will include mini lectures, demonstrations, vignettes and examples from the presenter’s and participants’ experience and practice. Some pre-reading is recommended and will be sent out prior to the workshop
Patricia is a Psychodramatist and a Child Psychotherapist. She currently works in the Departments of Psychological Medicine, and Infant and Perinatal Psychiatry at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide and as a consultant and trainer in private practice. She loves using psychodrama with individuals, groups and organisations to increase spontaneity and create change.
Dates and Times
Monday 28th January 2007 9.00am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 6.00pm
The workshop provides dinner on Sunday night and lunch on Monday.
AUS $195 (including GST)
The Aesthetics of Psychodrama
Exploring the use of artistry, the poetic, the lyrical and the dramatic
Led by Annette Fisher (Australia)
This workshop will explore the aspects of ourselves that enhance our ability to produce a drama. Through enactment participants will discover psychodramatic roles that are a source of spontaneity and creativity.
The aim is to activate our creative artistry and to bring increased liveliness to the work of the psychodramatist.
Participants will use a visual diary as a method of recording thoughts, ideas, feelings, imagination and images.
Annette Fisher is the Director and Founder of the Psychodrama Training Institute of the ACT; a Psychodramatist; a Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner; a Counsellor and Psychotherapist in private practice; and a visual artist. As a visual artist she has regular exhibitions and was artist in residence of a community woman’s group in 2007. Her art practice is expansive and includes painting, photography and digital moving images. Psychodrama informs the art and the art informs her practice of psychodrama.
Dates and Times
Monday 28th January 2008: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, 2.30pm – 6.00pm, 7.00pm – 9.30pm
Tuesday 29th January 2008: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, 2.00 pm – 4.00pm
The workshop provides dinner on Sunday night, lunch and dinner on Monday and lunch on Tuesday.
AUS $415 (including GST)
Difficult Conversations
How to hold them, when to fold them
Led by Dr Antony Williams (Australia)
The aim of a difficult conversation is that instead of ONLY wanting to persuade and get your way, you come to understand what has happened from the other person’s point of view, explain your own, share feelings and try to figure out a way to go forward together.
The workshop is relevant to those of us who in private life put off certain interactions when we can, and stumble through them when we must. It is also relevant in professional and workplace settings where as managers, colleagues, employees or consultants we can find it hard to talk frankly about poor performance, contempt, lateness, failure to keep contracts and other untoward organization behaviour.
Participates will gain familiarity with the Harvard Difficult Conversations model, including the “What Happened?” conversation, the “Feelings” conversation and the “Identity” dialogue. Managing a difficult conversation is essentially a practical endeavour, however; this means that though there will be an exposition of the model, most of the workshop will comprise ‘hands’ on practice and experiences conducted using action methods.
Prior to the workshop’s start, participants will be given a short booklet to read and some activities to complete. This process will cut down ‘explanation’ time and increase time for practice and role development.
Dr Antony Williams is a widely published author on action methods. Three of his books are translated into Finnish, Portuguese and Russian. He is a qualified Psychodramatist; a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) and a Distinguished Member of the Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association. Antony is a partner in a small organisational consulting firm in Melbourne.
Dates and Times
Monday 28th January 2008: 9.30am – 12.30pm; 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Tuesday 29th January 2008: 9.30am – 12.30pm; 1.30pm – 4.30pm
The workshop provides dinner on Sunday night, lunch and dinner on Monday and lunch on Tuesday.
AUS $445 (including GST)