Apply for AANZPA Associate Membership

Associate Membership

If you have been a trainee with an AANZPA accredited training campus for at least six months you can apply for Associate membership. Ask a trainer who is involved with your training to sponsor your application for membership.

Affiliate to Associate membership

If you are an Affiliate member and want to apply for Associate membership, use the Associate membership application form.

AANZPA Associate Membership Application Form

AANZPA Membership Fee

Applies from 1 July 2024

  • Practicing Ordinary membership $375.00
  • Non-Practicing Ordinary membership $88.00
  • Associate membership $225.00
  • Affiliate membership $225.00
  • Mailing List $75.00

Unless you have made a payment arrangement with the Membership Administrator, fees that are unpaid on the 1st August will be subject to a $50.00 administration charge (does not apply to the Mailing List).

A Pro rata fee applies to new Associate members joining part-way through the membership year.

  • 1 July to 31 January (Pre Conference) $225.00 (Full Fee)
  • 1 February to 1 May (Post Conference) $112.50 (Reduced rate) Associates who join after 1 May pay the full fee for the following membership year, thereby receiving 2 months free of charge.

Contact the AANZPA Membership Administrator


AANZPA Code of Ethics (PDF)


AANZPA Complaints Procedure (PDF)

Conditions of Membership

  1. Payment of membership fees is continuous and applies until a letter of resignation is received by the Membership Secretary or the member lapses due to non-payment.
  2. All members maintain a relationship of ‘good standing’ with AANZPA and notify the Membership Secretary of any situations that may impact this.
  3. All members, with the exception of Affiliate members, agree to comply with the AANZPA Code of Ethics.
  4. Practicing Ordinary members maintain Currency of their psychodrama practice or communicate their circumstances to the Membership Secretary. Currency includes payment of membership fees, professional development, professional supervision and association with other Ordinary members of AANZPA.
  5. Practicing Ordinary members maintain a record of their Currency activities available to submit for review by AANZPA’s Currency Reviewers.
  6. Associate members maintain a Training Agreement with their AANZPA accredited psychodrama training campus.
  7. Associate members receive supervision for their psychodrama-related work from a supervisor approved by an accredited training campus.
  8. Associate members advise the Membership Administrator if anything changes that affects their membership, including if their Training Agreement lapses.
  9. When an Associate member resigns, or their membership payment lapses, their training campus is informed.
  10. Affiliate members who have a current Training Agreement with an accredited training campus can apply for Associate membership using the online Associate Membership Application Form.
  11. If a member’s fee invoice is unpaid, or a payment plan has not been agreed on, for more than 2 months after the due date of 31 July in any given year, the person’s membership lapses.

Benefits of Membership

  1. AANZPA members receive communications about AANZPA conferences, events and information, Socio (AANZPA’s online newsletter), and the AANZPA journal.
  2. AANZPA members can access the Members Only section of the AANZPA website. This section includes AANZPA theses submitted by Associate members as part fulfilment of their certification requirements.
  3. AANZPA members are eligible to be on regional committees and to vote at regional AGMs.
  4. Ordinary members* are eligible to be nominated and elected to the AANZPA Executive.
  5. Ordinary members are eligible to vote at the Association’s Annual General Meeting.

    * Ordinary member here includes Distinguished and Non-Practicing members