October 2017

for the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA)

Welcome to this Edition of Socio

Summer is coming – that means 2018 and the Conference cannot be far away.  This edition includes some photos from past conferences to get you thinking about January and how you will be part of conference … organising … presenting … attending … participating in our community in your own way.   

Many thanks to contributors Christo Patty, Liz Marks, Phillip Corbett, and Jane Morgan.


CONFERENCE : Past – Present – Future

23/1/2008 6.10pm – Kate Cooke and Phillip Corbett are part of getting things going!
We have been here a few times! Newman College, University of Melbourne
2012 Brisbane Christo Patty and Annie Fisher opening the Whiteboard Concert
Jo Dewar and Sharmini Winslow putting on the Ritz, Brisbane 2012

Still smiling about Auckland

Spots in Brisbane make for great photo opportunities

Conference Planning Well Underway

Hi good folks of AANZPA
“G’day and hope you’re going well”.  From up here in the deep North of Queensland Region we’re beavering away getting the convening happening for the conference in January.  We’re very much looking forward to hosting and seeing as many of you who can make it to Brisbane in January 2018 (17 – 21).  You’ll see we have ‘gone live’ with the conference registrations and EOI process and hope you are taking advantage of the attractive early bird rate for the conference (A$480 finishes 1/11/2017).  Duchesne College is open for bookings as well, until 30/11/2017.  There are some tasty offerings so far for pre and post-conference workshops.  Richard Hall and Annie Fisher will be back with their personal development workshop.  Sara Crane and Martin Putt have put forward what look to be engaging and productive sessions (see conference website).
We are hoping as many of you as possible put forward proposals for conference workshop session.  The program committee has come up with some guidelines for a wide range of different formats to encourage you to put forward proposals.  See the Conference webpage on the AANZPA website or check your email from AANZPA Inform.
Queensland Conference Convening Mob
Christo, Diz, Peter, Bernadette, Andrea, Jane, Neil, Anna and Jenny


Melbourne Currency Group, June 2017

Group of Victorian practitioners getting together in June – Eva Thiedeman, Joan Hamilton-Roberts, Rob Brodie, Neil Hucker, Liz Marks and John Devling braving the cold!

In the meeting each group member was warmed up to acknowledge and appreciate their role development; and to consider any roles that are in process of on-going fine-tuning, in their professional lives right now. One aim of the session was that, through dyads and group sharing, there would be strengthening of connections with ourselves, with one another and with the method.

Winter Warm Up

On a chilly Winter’s night, 8/7/2017, fourteen cheery souls gathered for our annual AANZPA Vic film night, at the Richmond Library.  Despite a venue change, all our catering and film projection needs were sorted.  Phillip Corbett cooked a large pot of vegan/gluten friendly soup, which was supplemented by further delicious offerings from the group.  After catch-up conversations over dinner, we settled in to watch Rosalie Blum
It tells the story of a mid-thirties male hairdresser, living at home with his wacky mother, who experiences a strangely compelling deja vu when he meets a woman running a local grocery store.  An intriguing story ensues, quirky and moving, about his compulsion to follow and observe her to attempt to discover the reason behind his fascination.  In the process, much social atom repair occurs which gave us plenty of material for a lively post-film discussion.
A lovely get-together which continues the tradition of our annual Winter Warm-Up.


To keep nourishing the connections in our Region and to encourage ongoing learning together, each year our regional committee commits to providing at least 4 short education sessions.  Here we can share our emerging knowledge and experience – both AANZPA members and colleagues are as fascinated by psychodrama as the members are.  The sessions are facilitated by trainers and advanced trainees.  So far in 2017, we have had 2 sessions open to all interested people and a further 1 planned for October.
A diverse and engaged group of 16 people turned up for the first session in June 2017 titled “Psychodrama is…Family Therapy” with Diz Synnot.  From sharing our connection with our individual and family names through to a sociodrama drawing on the wisdom of our ancestors, Diz led us through an enlivening and connecting evening.
On August, 14 of us came together to explore “Unconscious Bias – Exploring this unknown territory through the lens of Sociodrama and Surplus Reality”.  David Mahon and Jane Morgan (both Advanced Trainees) invited their psychodrama buddies to join them in exploring the sea of unconscious bias that we swim in  – using sociodrama and surplus reality to open our eyes and heart to what we experience there.
We are looking forward to our next evening in October on the topic of Everyone has a Muse that inspires them in their life – embracing our own Muse” facilitated by Tatiana Guz.  Together we will watch a Brazilian DVD about Moreno and His Muses, presenting interviews with his wives and children. Tatiana will then lead us in a sociodrama that will focus on our own Muses and use psychodrama and arts psychotherapy techniques to build our spontaneity.  Tatiana has been involved in psychodrama in Brazil, Argentina, USA – and now she is excited to join the AANZPA psychodrama community in Brisbane.  She completed her training as a psychodramatist in Brazil in 2003.