Journal articles

Using keyword family system

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Crane, Sara Tansy’s take on it: the dog as effective auxiliary in Moreno-inspired psychotherapy (PDF, 239.8 KB) Journal 27 December 2018 adolescents, auxiliary, auxiliary ego, child development, family system Tansy is a twelve-year-old Border Collie dog. When she is at home, she is a working dog and a pet, herding llamas and chickens and sometimes children, and playing with her son Mr. Brock, a Border Collie Huntaway crossbred. But Tansy has another important role. She comes with me, her pack leader, and companions me in the counselling and therapy work I do at the Urban Eden Psychotherapy Centre. In my first contact with prospective clients, I always let them know that Tansy will be there. When we go for long walks together in the hills, I often reflect out loud about my work with her. This particular kind of intimate soliloquy, that occurs when Tansy and I are outside together, is very precious and profound for me. This is our story... 7 2018-12
Browne, Rollo; Parry, Warren Sociodramatic principles and big data in organisational change (PDF, 337.0 KB) Journal 25 December 2016 family system, organisational consulting, social system, sociodrama Warren recently published Big Change Best Path, a book on his work on leading organisational change. In this interview, he discusses change, his research, the links to sociodrama and psychodrama and the principles that underlie his practice. Warren was centrally involved in psychodrama from 1976 and pioneered the development of sociodrama becoming a TEP in Sociodrama in 1986. Warren subsequently set up his own consulting business, and developed ChangeTracking to assist leaders to implement change programs successfully. In 2013, ChangeTracking joined Accenture who have since used the proprietary method in large scale change initiatives. Big Change Best Path was published by Kogan Page in 2015. 6 2016-12
van Kuilenburg, Philippa Working with Family Violence (PDF, 675.3 KB) Journal 26 December 2017 family system, family violence, feminism The intention in this article is to share my experience of working with people who are in abusive relationships. My work is primarily with women. I work for an organisation called the Inner City Women's Group facilitating an eight-week group focusing on anger management and an eight-week group focusing on self-esteem and assertion. I have also facilitated a sixteen-week group for women who, having been prosecuted for family violence, have been ordered by the Courts to attend the programme. In addition, in 2017 I have facilitated programmes in Auckland Women's Prison. Some of the women have ended up in prison as a result of reacting violently as they retaliated to being abused by their partners. In a large number of these cases they were reported to the Police by their partner who demanded that they be charged. Usually no acknowledgement was given of the partner's own abusive behaviour. My work is to assist the women break the cycle of abuse in their relationships. 5 2017-12