Old training programe

Institute Year Title Workshop Description Dates
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Leadership & Groupwork Training This training is designed for those who are leading groups or intending to do so. 14 October, 2011 – 16 October, 2011
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2012 Foundations and Developing Practice Group This year long multilevel programme aims to build experience for application in the trainee’s chosen profession or life identity. 17 February, 2012 – 10 November, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W1: Introduction to psychodrama training This training group offers an introduction to some of the basic theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 25-Feb-12
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Core Curriculum / Intermediate Psychodrama is primarily a group method. Training in the psychodrama method will assist those in leadership roles to develop their abilities. 28 February, 2012 – 27 November, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Intermediate / Advanced Psychodrama is primarily a group method. Training in the psychodrama method will assist those in leadership roles to develop their abilities. 28 February, 2012 – 27 November, 2012
WPTI: Palmerston North 2012 PN1: Group work training and supervision This course will enable you to practice and have supervision of yourself as a group leader. 06 March, 2012 – 13 November, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W2: Psychodrama Training with Max Clayton and Chris Hosking This four day non-residential workshop, is for trainees who are committed to their development in working with the psychodrama method. 08 March, 2012 – 11 March, 2012
Training in Action Dunedin 2012 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 09 March, 2012 – 28 October, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W3: Supervised directors group This workshop is for advanced trainees with more than 600 hours of training 17 March, 2012 – 26 May, 2012
WPTI: Palmerston North 2012 PN2: Psychodrama training and supervision This group is for counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 18 March, 2012 – 18 November, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W4: Intermediate/Advanced Training This training group is for those who have attended a core training year or equivalent 24 March, 2012 – 13 October, 2012
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2012 Open Sessions & Senior Trainees in the Nelson Region A series of open sessions providing experiential sessions for all trainees and assisting senior trainees to refine leadership and production abilities 25 March, 2012 – 28 October, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W5: The psychodramatist as an effective group worker This workshop focuses on building an adequate foundation for psychodramatic enactment. 20 April, 2012 – 22 April, 2012
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2012 Foundation Studies: Focus on Production and Role Theory with Cher Williscroft TEP & Claire GuyTEP Designed for all levels of trainees, the focus of this group will be on applying role theory while producing a drama with a protagonist or a group 21 April, 2012 – 27 October, 2012
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2012 Writing Workshop This workshop led by Marilyn Sutcliffe and Vivienne Thomson is for trainees who are at the stage of writing their initial papers of thesis. 28 April, 2012 – 29 April, 2012
Training in Action Dunedin 2012 Leadership and Groupwork Training This training is designed for those who are leading groups or intending to do so. 04 May, 2012 – 06 May, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Sociodrama training weekend Sociodrama training weekend 25 May, 2012 – 27 May, 2012
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2012 Thriving in Organisations Weekend Workshop How to make systemic analyses of an organisiation, and increase creativity, flexibility and engagement to enliven your work place. 09 June, 2012 – 10 June, 2012
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2012 Advance Group Two full weekends and one single day are being held for advance trainees preparing for practical assessment. 22 June, 2012 – 10 November, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W5: Introduction to psychodrama training This training group offers an introduction to some of the basic theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 02 July, 2012 – 30 July, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W6: Introduction to psychodrama training This training group offers an introduction to some of the basic theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 02 July, 2012 – 30 July, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Psychodrama Training for Couple Therapists A workshop for psychotherapists and counsellors. 19 July, 2012 – 21 July, 2012
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2012 5 day Psychodrama, Sociodrama & Groupwork Training at Kimi Ora 2012 Supervised experiential learning,an integration of theory and practice leading to more satisfaction in professional functioning and personal life 07 August, 2012 – 12 August, 2012
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2012 W7: Satisfying sociodrama: a focus on interventions and integration This workshop focuses on developing relevant and manageable interventions in diverse settings and in varying timeframes. 07 September, 2012 – 09 September, 2012
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2012 Psychodrama Training Workshop – Te Moata This workshop is for all people training in the Psychodramatic method regardless of experience. 12 September, 2012 – 16 September, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Leadership & Groupwork Training This workshop has been removed from the 2012 training calendar. 19 October, 2012 – 21 October, 2012
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2012 Introductory Evenings There is one occasion for people new to psychodrama to have an experience of the method and find out about the training centre and its work. 7-Nov-12
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Psychodrama Training for Child and Family Workers A residential Psychodrama training workshop open to professionals working with children and families and to Psychodrama trainees at all levels. 22 November, 2012 – 25 November, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2012 Psychodrama Training for Child and Family Workers A residential Psychodrama training workshop open to professionals working with children and families and to Psychodrama trainees at all levels. 22 November, 2012 – 25 November, 2012
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2013 Core Curriculum / Intermediate Psychodrama is primarily a group method. Training in the psychodrama method will assist those in leadership roles to develop their abilities. 26 February, 2013 – 12 November, 2013
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2013 Advanced Training Group Psychodrama is primarily a group method. Training in the psychodrama method will assist those in leadership roles to develop their abilities. 01 March, 2013 – 16 December, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 Riverside Residential Psychodrama Training Weekend 2013 Explore your sociometric connections and social forces that impact on our spontaneity through groupwork, psychodrama and role training. 01 March, 2013 – 03 March, 2013
WPTI: Palmerston North 2013 PN2: Psychodrama training and supervision This group is for counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 03 March, 2013 – 17 November, 2013
Training in Action Dunedin 2013 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 08 March, 2013 – 20 October, 2013
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2013 W1: Psychodrama training – for beginning, intermediate & advanced trainees This training group focuses on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 13 March, 2013 – 15 November, 2014
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2013 W1: Supervised directors group This workshop is for advanced trainees with more than 600 hours of training 16 March, 2013 – 27 July, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 Foundation and Intermediate Training: Using Psychodrama in a 1 to 1 Setting Focus on all aspects of psychodrama eg: warm up,Moreno’s human development theory, production techniques, role training, sociodrama,role theory & more 23 March, 2013 – 19 October, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 Advanced Trainees and Open Sessions: Refining Leadership and Production Abilities 2013 Designed to provide leadership and production experience for senior trainees who have completed or are completing their initial assessment papers. 24 March, 2013 – 20 October, 2013
Training in Action Dunedin 2013 Leadership & Facilitation Training This training is designed for those who are leading groups or intending to do so. 03 April, 2013 – 11 May, 2013
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2013 Leadership & Facilitation Training (Dunedin) This training is designed for those who are leading groups or intending to do so. 03 April, 2013 – 11 May, 2013
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2013 W3: Psychodrama Training with Max Clayton and Chris Hosking. This four day non-residential workshop, is for trainees who are committed to their development in working with the psychodrama method. 09 May, 2013 – 12 May, 2013
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2013 W4: Satisfying sociodrama: a focus on interventions and integration This workshop focuses on developing relevant and manageable interventions in diverse settings and in varying timeframes. 07 June, 2013 – 09 June, 2013
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2013 Couple Therapy Training A training workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists. To the fore will be the work developed by J.L. Moreno in encounter and role dynamics. 18 July, 2013 – 20 July, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 5 day Psychodrama, Sociodrama & Groupwork Training at Kimi Ora 2013 (Cancelled due to the death of our beloved Max Clayton) This workshop has been cancelled due to the death of our beloved Max Clayton 06 August, 2013 – 11 August, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 Working with Couples: The application of psychodramatic theory and practice with Walter Logeman & Claire Guy Application of psychodramatic theories of spontaneity, sociometry, production and role theory to working with couples and training couple therapists 04 October, 2013 – 06 October, 2013
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2013 Introductory Evening Provided for people new to psychodrama. 13-Nov-13
Training in Action Dunedin 2013 Group Dynamics and Group Leadership & Facilitation. This training is designed for those who are leading groups or intending to do so. 17 November, 2013 – 21 November, 2013
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2013 Family Systems: Through the Eyes of a Child Experiential training for anyone who works, or would like to work with, with families, young people and children. 29 November, 2013 – 01 December, 2013
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2014 Writing Workshop 2014 No workshop 2014 For trainees at the stage of writing their initial papers or thesis. 01 January, 2014 – 02 January, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 An Experience of Psychodrama evening series: 26 Feb, 5 and 12 March A series of three evening sessions this will be an experiential group with aim of introducing psychodrama, sociodrama, and role training. 26 February, 2014 – 12 March, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 An Experience of Psychodrama March 1st An experiential group with aim of introducing the method and application of psychodrama, sociodrama, and role training. 1-Mar-14
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2015 Multi-Level Monthly Training Group This training group is part of a larger training programme in 2015 comprising two residential workshops, a non-residential weekend workshop. 01 March, 2014 – 15 November, 2015
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 An Experience of Psychodrama: March 2nd (Blenheim) A one day experiential group in Blenhiem with the aim of introducing the method and application of psychodrama, sociodrama, and role training. 2-Mar-14
WPTI: Palmerston North 2014 PN1: Psychodrama training and supervision For counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 02 March, 2014 – 16 November, 2014
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2014 Advanced Training Group Trainees conduct supervised psychodrama sessions in the group and in peer practice groups. 04 March, 2014 – 25 November, 2014
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2014 Core Curriculum / Intermediate In this group trainees will develop an understanding of psychodrama theory and practice. 07 March, 2014 – 25 November, 2014
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2014 W1: Psychodrama training – beginning, intermediate & advanced trainees The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 13 March, 2014 – 15 November, 2014
Training in Action Dunedin 2014 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 14 March, 2014 – 19 October, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2015 Bridge Valley Psychodrama Training Weekend The ultimate aim of our work together is to enhance the spontaneity, compassion and resilience of each and every person you come into contact with… 27 March, 2014 – 29 March, 2015
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 Bridge Valley Psychodrama Training Weekend The ultimate aim of our work together is to enhance the spontaneity, compassion and resilience of each and every person you come into contact with… 28 March, 2014 – 30 March, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 Psychodrama – Experiential Open Drop in Session and Training Group These experiential open drop in sessions and training groups are open to everyone who wants to join a psychodrama session 27 April, 2014 – 16 November, 2014
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2014 W2: The versatile sociodramatist This weekend workshop aims to develop versatility in tailoring sociodrama for use in diverse group settings. 02 May, 2014 – 04 May, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 Psychodrama and Sociodrama Residential Kimi Ora Workshop Build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodrama and sociodramatic enactments with courage. 31 July, 2014 – 03 August, 2014
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2014 Preparing for Practical Assessment Preparing for Practical Assessment 22 August, 2014 – 24 August, 2014
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2014 W3: Intervening in a critical moment Trainees will develop the ability to identify critical moments in a group and and to make relevant interventions. 29 August, 2014 – 31 August, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 Living the Local News using Sociodrama Tuesday evenings monthly, Oct 14th, Nov 11th. Using sociodrama to identify and explore the current news stories that are affecting us in Nelson. 9-Sep-14
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2014 Clinical Applications : Psychodrama 1:1 in Counselling and Psychodrama 19 September, 2014 – 20 September, 2014
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2014 W4: Developing practice This workshop will assist trainees to further develop their practice of the psychodrama method. 10 October, 2014 – 12 October, 2014
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2014 Couple Therapy Training – in Action A training workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists and others who wish to enhance their work with couples. 17 October, 2014 – 19 October, 2014
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2014 Family Systems: Through the Eyes of a Child Experiential training for anyone who works, or would like to work with, with families, young people and children. 27 November, 2014 – 30 November, 2014
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Advanced Training Group Trainees conduct supervised psychodrama sessions in the group and in peer practice groups. 17 February, 2015 – 17 November, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Core Curriculum / Intermediate In this group trainees will develop an understanding of psychodrama theory and practice. 17 February, 2015 – 17 November, 2015
Training in Action Dunedin 2015 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 27 February, 2015 – 08 November, 2015
Training in Action Dunedin 2015 Training in Group Work & Leadership Training in the Fundamentals of Group Work & Leadership 27 February, 2015 – 01 March, 2015
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2015 Foundations and Developing Practice Group Year long multi level programme aims to build experience for the trainee. 28 February, 2015 – 05 November, 2015
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2015 Advanced Training Group This workshops focuses on writing that trainees have completed & circulated immediatley prior to workshop. 14 March, 2015 – 14 November, 2015
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2015 Advanced Training Group This workshops focuses on writing that trainees have completed & circulated immediatley prior to workshop. 14 March, 2015 – 14 November, 2015
WPTI: Palmerston North 2015 PN1: Psychodrama training and supervision For counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 15 March, 2015 – 15 November, 2015
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2015 W1: Psychodrama training – beginning, intermediate & advanced trainees The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 21 March, 2015 – 14 November, 2015
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2015 W1: Psychodrama training – beginning, intermediate & advanced trainees The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 21 March, 2015 – 14 November, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Sociometry of Family Systems Sociometry of Family Systems: Past, Present and Future 01 May, 2015 – 03 May, 2015
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2015 W2: Citizenship Reinvigorated. A sociodrama training workshop This sociodrama training workshop explores the challenges and opportunities of contemporary citizenship. 08 May, 2015 – 10 May, 2015
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2015 Intervening in a Critical Moment Visiting trainer weekend Intervening in a Critical Moment 15 May, 2015 – 17 May, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Sociodrama This group is part of the CITP Advanced Programme. Open to trainees from other centers. The application of Sociodrama in your life & work. 05 June, 2015 – 07 June, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Spontaneity Theory of Child Development This workshop is particularly relevant for those who work with children, young people and their families. 17 July, 2015 – 19 July, 2015
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2015 W3: What is possible? Our search for companionship. A sociometry training workshop. This workshop will seek to make us more steady, versatile and responsive in approaching the sociometric field of a group. 24 July, 2015 – 26 July, 2015
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2015 Psychodrama and Sociodrama Residential Kimi Ora Workshop Build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodrama and sociodramatic enactments with courage. 20 August, 2015 – 23 August, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Psychodrama and Relationships This group is part of the CITP Advanced Programme. Open to trainees from other centers. Working with people in relationships. 11 September, 2015 – 13 September, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2015 Three Professional Development Days These one day workshops are for people working with people. 26 September, 2015 – 27 November, 2015
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Three Professional Development Days These one day workshops are for people working with people. 26 September, 2015 – 27 November, 2015
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2015 W4: Developing practice This 3 day workshop psychodrama training workshop aims to bring about a greater knowledge of the theory and practice of psychodrama. 30 October, 2015 – 01 November, 2015
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2015 An Experience of Psychodrama 2015 Nelson This workshop is for people who are interested in Psychodrama. It will be a gentle introduction to the philosophy and methods developed by Dr J L More 17 November, 2015 – 01 December, 2015
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2016 Introductory Session 3rd February 2016 Introductory sessions for people new to psychodrama 3-Feb-16
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Advanced Training Group Trainees conduct supervised psychodrama sessions in the group and in peer practice groups. 16 February, 2016 – 29 November, 2016
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Advanced Training Group Trainees conduct supervised psychodrama sessions in the group and in peer practice groups. 16 February, 2016 – 29 November, 2016
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Core Curriculum / Intermediate In this group trainees will develop an understanding of psychodrama theory and practice. 16 February, 2016 – 29 November, 2016
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2016 Foundations and Developing Practice Group Year long multi level programme aims to build experience for the trainee. 18 February, 2016 – 19 November, 2016
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Training in Group Work & Leadership Training in the Fundamentals of Group Work & Leadership 26 February, 2016 – 28 February, 2016
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2016 Advanced Training Group This workshops focuses on writing that trainees have completed & circulated immediatley prior to workshop. 27 February, 2016 – 19 November, 2016
Training in Action Dunedin 2016 Clone of Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 04 March, 2016 – 06 November, 2016
Training in Action Dunedin 2016 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 04 March, 2016 – 06 November, 2016
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Three Professional Development Days – with Walter Logeman These one day workshops are for people working with people. Enrol in one, two or all three workshops. 12 March, 2016 – 06 May, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2016 Multi-Level Monthly Training Group Build your ability to learn, practice and apply the psychodrama method in your chosen profession, work, community, your relationship and in play. 13 March, 2016 – 13 November, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W1: Psychodrama Training: A Focus on Psychodrama The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 19 March, 2016 – 02 July, 2016
WPTI: Palmerston North 2016 PN1: Psychodrama training and supervision For counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 20 March, 2016 – 20 November, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2016 Bridge Valley Psychodrama Training Weekend Using the psychodramatic method, you will enhance your spontaneity, compassion and resilience as well as focus on your own professional development. 08 April, 2016 – 10 April, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W3: Beyond Overwhelm, Spectatorship and Debate: A Sociodrama Training Workshop This workshop is about sociodrama as a method that can be used to open out areas of social and cultural life for deeper consideration. 29 April, 2016 – 01 May, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W4: Psychodrama Training This weekend training workshop will focus on the theory and practice that are essential to the psychodrama method. 20 May, 2016 – 22 May, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2016 Monthly : An Experience of Psychodrama 2016 Nelson Monthly group sessions on a Wednesday night for people wanting a taste of psychodrama. New or experienced people are welcome. 25 May, 2016 – 23 November, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2016 Psychodrama and Sociodrama Residential Kimi Ora Workshop This workshop aims to build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodrama and sociodramatic enactments with courage. 16 June, 2016 – 19 June, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W5: Supervised Directors Group This training workshop for advanced trainees will focus on encouraging independence in the practice of the psychodrama method. 23 July, 2016 – 26 November, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W2: Psychodrama Training: A Focus on Sociodrama The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 30 July, 2016 – 19 November, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2016 A Systemic View: Role Theory – a powerful guide Using role theory as a powerful systemic guide to therapeutic interventions, assessment and reflection 16 September, 2016 – 18 September, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 Delete W6: Issues of Identity: A Sociodrama Training workshop In this workshop participants will use sociodrama to explore what identity means both personally and as members of society in New Zealand today. 16 September, 2016 – 18 September, 2016
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2016 W6: Issues of Identity: A Sociodrama Training workshop In this workshop participants will use sociodrama to explore what identity means both personally and as members of society in New Zealand today. 16 September, 2016 – 18 September, 2016
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 TBA – Marae Based TBA 21 September, 2016 – 24 September, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2016 Three Professional Development Days These one day workshops are for people working with people. 26 September, 2016 – 27 November, 2016
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2016 Introductory Session 12th November 2016 Introductory sessions for people new to psychodrama 12-Nov-16
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2016 Let’s Make it Happen! A Professional Development Day using Psychodrama WORKSHOP POSTPONED: A Professional Development Psychodrama Workshop provided at low cost for community stakeholders by the CITP 18 November, 2016 – 19 November, 2016
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 One to One Supervised Director Training Programme for Advanced Trainees This programme is for advanced trainees who will set up and lead a personal development group for 6 sessions and receive intensive supervision. Please 13 February, 2017 – 30 November, 2017
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 Monthly : An Experience of Psychodrama 2017 Nelson Monthly group sessions on a Wednesday night for people wanting a taste of psychodrama. New or experienced people are welcome. 15 February, 2017 – 22 November, 2017
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2017 Combined Training Group Year long multi level programme aims to build experience for the trainee. 18 February, 2017 – 18 November, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Advanced Training Group Trainees conduct supervised psychodrama sessions in the group and in peer practice groups. 22 February, 2017 – 28 November, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Core Curriculum / Intermediate In this group trainees will develop an understanding of psychodrama theory and practice. 22 February, 2017 – 28 November, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Psychodrama Training This programme is aimed at developing excellence in the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 24 February, 2017 – 12 November, 2017
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 Multi-Level Monthly Sundays Training Group 2017 Build your ability to learn, practice and apply the psychodrama method in your chosen profession, work, community, your relationship and in play. 05 March, 2017 – 19 November, 2017
WPTI: Palmerston North 2017 PN1: Psychodrama training and supervision For counsellors, social workers, community workers, teachers who are using, or are keen to use psychodrama techniques in their work. 12 March, 2017 – 12 November, 2017
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2017 W1: Psychodrama Training: Deepening the Warm-up The focus of this training group is on the theory and practice of the psychodrama method. 24 March, 2017 – 26 March, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Psychodrama Training Residential Intensive This residential workshop is for those who wish to increase their capacity to use the psychodrama method in their work and lives 30 March, 2017 – 02 April, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Families, Children and all that goes with them This workshop will examine the family/whanau as a system and look at diffient kinds of family systems. 07 April, 2017 – 09 April, 2017
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 Onetahua Marae, Golden Bay Residential Psychodrama Weekend The emphasis for this weekend workshop will be on whanaungatanga, building our community, and creating a sense of belonging. 07 April, 2017 – 09 April, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Elective 1 – Sociodrama Training This experientially based training includes both theoretical and practical components. 21 April, 2017 – 22 April, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Theory, Philosophy of Psychodrama and Writing This experientially based training includes both theoretical and practical components. 16 June, 2017 – 18 June, 2017
Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute 2017 W2: Finding your feet: a sociodrama training workshop This workshop is about sociodrama as a method that can be used to open out areas of social and cultural life for deeper consideration. 23 June, 2017 – 25 June, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Elective 2 – Psychodrama in the Consulting Room This experientially based training includes both theoretical and practical components. 14 July, 2017 – 16 July, 2017
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2017 Group Work Training Workshop 3 day Group Work Training Workshop 14 July, 2017 – 16 July, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Working with Addiction This workshop will be based on a non-judgemental, involved and patient approach that focusses on people, relationships and connection. 14 July, 2017 – 15 July, 2017
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 Kimi Ora Psychodrama and Sociodrama Residential Workshop This workshop aims to build your capacity for flexible group leadership and for directing psychodrama and sociodramatic enactments with courage. 03 August, 2017 – 06 August, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Working with Couples This is a professional development workshop suitable for couple therapists and people who wish to work with couples. 02 September, 2017 – 03 September, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Elective 3 – Four Day Marae Based Intensive Psychodrama Workshop This workshop is designed for those seeking professional development. 21 September, 2017 – 24 September, 2017
Nelson Branch of WPTI 2017 Chris Hosking/Cher Williscroft workshop – Humanising our Social Systems: a sociodrama training workshop Weekend non-residential workshop. 22 September, 2017 – 24 September, 2017
Training in Action Dunedin 2017 Applied Sociometry for Leaders and Managers This training workshop is for leaders and managers who want greater confidence in working with their teams. 12 October, 2017 – 13 October, 2017
Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama 2017 Sociodrama Training Workshop 3 day Sociodrama Training Workshop 13 October, 2017 – 15 October, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 Systems Theory – Application and Integration This workshop is relevant for trainees who wish to expand their understanding and practice of systems theory. 27 October, 2017 – 29 October, 2017
Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama 2017 TBA October TBA 27 October, 2017 – 29 October, 2017