Conference 2014 Workshops
- Powhiri (Welcome Ceremony)
- Wednesday 21 January — Evening
- Thursday 22 January – Morning Plenary Session
- Thursday 22 January — Morning
- Thursday 22 January — Afternoon
- Thursday 22 January — Evening
- Friday 23 January — Morning
- Friday 23 January — Afternoon
- Friday 23 January — Entertainment Evening
- Saturday 24 January — Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Saturday 24 January — Dinner/Dance
- Sunday 25 January — Morning
- Poroporoaki (Farewell Ceremony)
Powhiri (Welcome Ceremony)
- Powhiri: 4.30pm Wednesday 21 January
Wednesday 21 January — Evening Sessions
- Session Selection: 7:00pm
- Sessions: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Lucette Hindin — Get Your Motor Running / Warm It All Up
We will use physical and vocal exercises and games to assist a full arrival at conference, bring ourselves into the present and notice the others who are here with us. We will warm up our bodies, voices, imagination, creativity, spontaneity and ability to play and to speak out. We will build on last year’s work with ‘body spontaneity’ to keep opening to the new in movement and vocalisation.
Lucette Hindin is an advanced psychodrama trainee in Christchurch. She is a theatre director, teaches physical theatre and runs festivals in Christchurch’s port, Lyttelton. Her interests include community development, singing, mind-body healing, sustainability, gender and sexuality.
Cher Williscroft — Developing a Unified Warm-Up in Your Life
This experiential workshop will take moments where your warm-up to doing something is divided or conflicted; you can’t get going, you procrastinate, you experience a stumbling block, or you keep finding excuses. Perhaps you make a start with a conflicted or divided warm-up and then later realise you are half-hearted. We will explore in action, the forces, your roles and the values that are influencing you, as you work to create a unified warm-up to anything you want to do in life, where a good warm-up is crucial to a good outcome.
Cher Williscroft is a Sociodramatist and Trainer Educator Practitioner (TEP) living in Nelson, NZ. She is a mediator and helps folks resolve conflict. Her second specialisation is Time Management where she works with people to warm up to doing the most important things first.
Rollo Browne — Speaking Truth to Power
What is a creative and healthy response to authority? Power is ever-present in relationships and takes many forms. In this experiential workshop we will explore the nature of power, what we have learned about it and the lifelong journey of coming to terms with our own power.
Rollo Browne is a Sociodramatist, TEP and supervisor in Sydney. His work spans leadership training, organisational development and executive coaching where power is always a central issue.
Peter Howie — Warm-up
Warm-up is a familiar concept, in psychodrama as well as in organisational work, sport, music, singing, and as a form of preparation for many activities. Warm-up as a concept may assist a person to make sense of how things move and flow in their lives and in the lives of others. Warm-up may allow a person to imagine themselves as someone who learns rather than an automaton. We will experientially explore what warm-up is and I will also present some of my research, distinguishing four warm-up concepts.
Peter Howie is a Psychodramatist, TEP and Executive Director of Psychodrama Australia as well as the Director of Training for the Brisbane Campus. He completed his Master of Education in 2011 and is currently a PhD candidate at Griffith University researching psychodrama. He is a past AANZPA President.
Diana Jones — Arriving
In this experiential sociometry session we will explore existing and develop new connections.
Diana Jones is a Sociometrist and TEP. She leads the ‘Executive Presence’ programme and coaches leaders and teams as they shape organisational culture. Diana is a past Treasurer with the AANZPA Executive and was President of FTINZ for four years. Currently she chairs the Board of the Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust.
Marilyn Sutcliffe — Moreno’s Second Instrument – the actor, the protagonist
Warming up to your Self. Being who you are more deeply as you connect with others in the conference.
Marilyn Sutcliffe is a Psychodramatist and TEP at the Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama. Marilyn has also been a conductor and actor with Playback Theatre and works in private practice as a counsellor using the psychodramatic method as her main framework.
Throughout the Conference
Hilde Knottenbelt and Anna Schaum — Sound Connection
In the spirit of the tradition of wandering minstrels and with a contemporary improvisational emphasis, we intend to be responsive to the life of the conference through musical and vocal offerings. At times we will express something of the emerging life and themes of the conference and at other times we will simply seek to capture or create a mood or feeling, set the scene for an upcoming event, or relate to a current event in the wider world. We envisage appearing at random moments throughout our time together.
The Minstrels:
Hilde Knottenbelt is a Voice Teacher, Psychodramatist, TEPIT and Director of Psychodrama Australia. She has lead Creative Voice groups since 1987, developing a group-centred approach to responding to personal story with improvised singing. She conducts related workshops in a range of settings including Creative Arts Therapy, Psychodrama and Playback Theatre as well as for the general public. For more information visit her website.
Anna Schaum leads a multifaceted professional career in the performing and healing arts. As a professional viola player she has performed with many of the great American conductors including Leonard Bernstein, and in concert halls including Carnegie. As a licensed therapist in Portland, Oregon, USA she facilitates sound relationships through storytelling, improvisational theatre, psychodrama and music. For more information visit her website.
Thursday 22 January — Morning Plenary Session
- Session: 9:00 – 10:00am
Ann Hale – “Jacob Levy Moreno: He lived in the moment, far ahead of his time; He gave us a splendid future which we, and others, are all still discovering.”
Ann Hale met Moreno when she was 28 years old. She studied at the Moreno Institute in Beacon, NY with J.L. and Zerka until J.L. died in 1974. (Ann was at Beacon when Max Clayton was also there.) She spent fifteen months as Director-in-residence before establishing a training center in Toronto, Canada. Ann is past-President of ASGPP, and the Federation of Trainers and Training Programs in Psychodrama. She is the author of three books focused on sociometry. Now, at 71, she offers training on sociometry and healing, writes, and has for twelve years been a member of a fine art gallery with six rotating exhibitions a year. Her next book will be reproductions of her drawings and paintings. This is her eleventh visit to AANZPA.
Thursday 22 January — Morning Sessions
- Session Selection: 10:30am
- Sessions: 11:00am – 12:30pm
Craig Whisker — Building the Capacity to Reverse Roles through Mirroring
Role reversal where a protagonist’s relationship with an auxiliary is characterised by negative tele can often reinforce coping or fragmenting roles. One way of looking at this is that the protagonist may not be developmentally ready for role reversal in that particular relationship system. In this case, doubling and mirroring as earlier developmental interventions may be beneficial. In this workshop you are invited to warm up to moments where role reversal would be premature and mirroring offers the means for increasing self-awareness, systemic thinking and personality development. We will experiment with mirroring in several forms.
Craig Whisker lives on the Kapiti Coast, 50 km north of Wellington, and works as a family therapist in private practice. For the past 10 years he has traveled throughout NZ conducting family therapy training workshops. He first experienced psychodrama in 1988 and completed training as a Psychodramatist from 2000 to 2007.
Carlos A. Raimundo — Captives No More – the truth that sets us free
In this workshop we’ll look at:
- Moreno’s ‘The Words of the Father’ and Sociometry as a platform and model for an individual and collective transformational process towards freedom.
- Key psychodramatic techniques that can be used as catalyst for personal and collective freedom.
We’ll explore Morenian and other relational philosophies (e.g. M. Buber, V. Frankl, A. Heschel), that contribute to or complement Moreno’s legacy (e.g. “Who Shall Survive”) and the power of Spontaneity and Creativity in everyday life. Participants will be invited to share their personal experiences of the application of psychodrama in their life. This theoretical-experiential workshop includes role theory, psychodramatic techniques and/or Play of Life.
Dr. Carlos A Raimundo MD, MBA, Ph.D. is a psychiatrist (Arg.) psychotherapist, business coach, author (Relational Capital, Prentice Hall 2002). He is the founder of the Contemporary Psychodrama School in Sydney and is a Innovation Award Winner (ASGPP 2004). Carlos bases his work on philosophy, theology, neuro-science as well as on his more that 30 years or professional experience and personal journey.
Brendan Cartmel — Exploring Roles Not Readily Taken
It has been said that: “If we don’t tell others who we are then they will invent us”. This experiential workshop explores role theory as it pertains to roles with potential value that we have not taken up, for whatever reason. On reflection we can see that these ‘under-chosen roles’ have, none-the-less, definitively shaped our lives. By examining a role we want, or need now more than we previously did, we can notice and respond to a range of choices available to us that we might otherwise give away. The purpose of the workshop is to explore such new potentials.
Brendan Cartmel is an advanced sociodrama trainee from Melbourne who, having completed his thesis, is currently preparing for his practical assessment as a Sociodramatist. He regularly runs sociodrama workshops titled: ‘Hands on Self for Development in Everyday Life’.
Peter Howie — Spectrograms – What’s with you, what’s with me, what’s with us?
In this session we will explore ways to register and notice the variety of responses emerging in participants. Using sociodrama and targeted spectrograms, I will assist the group to present their thoughts, feelings, actions, dreams, perceptions, relationships and learnings while also appreciating how efficient and profound such methods can be for getting a sense of a whole group.
Peter Howie is a Psychodramatist TEP and Executive Director of Psychodrama Australia as well as the Director of Training for the Brisbane Campus. He completed his Master of Education in 2011 and is currently a PhD candidate at Griffith University researching psychodrama. He is a previous AANZPA President.
Margie Abbott — Sociometry – a legacy to be treasured
This experiential workshop will focus on the living sociometry in the group as a stepping-off point for the rest of the Conference. There will be opportunities to work with your warm-ups to Ann Hale’s address; create your intention for a satisfying and fulfilling conference and to become present to connections you are making and those you want to make. I am warmed up to having a good time with you.
Margie Abbott is a Sociometrist and TEP. She lives in Geelong. Margie is on the staff of Psychodrama Australia (Adelaide Campus) and loves gardening, mandalas and reading.
Ali Watersong — Playing in Surplus Reality
Moreno coined the term Surplus Reality describe a person who enacts something that exists in their imagination and subjective reality. Surplus reality enables the invisible, intangible dimensions of life to be experienced and expressed on the stage. In our times, just as in Moreno’s time, ordinary living requires a degree of restraint and muted emotions. People yearn for full expression of all that is in them. The surplus reality of the psychodrama stage makes this possible. In this workshop you will have an opportunity to bring to life moments and scenes from your imagination and inner world.
Ali Watersong is a Psychodramatist and counsellor. She has been running psychodrama groups in the community for twenty-five years and delights in introducing people to the wonder and creativity of the method. She wrote an article for the 2011 AANZPA Journal entitled “Surplus Reality – the Magic Ingredient in Psychodrama”.
Thursday 22 January — Afternoon Sessions
- Session Selection: 2:00pm
- Sessions: 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Judy Sutherland — Research Special Interest Group; Linking Research, Learning and Psychodrama Practice
We see that the purpose of research is to learn in order to do things better: to develop our mastery and deepen our appreciation of our practice. In this workshop we will use the psychodramatic method to explore how topical research relates to the psychodrama world. In the first part of the workshop we will look at the implications of memory reconsolidation research for psychodrama practice. We will then invite participants to bring forward the research that interests and inspires them.
Judy Sutherland is a Psychodramatist, scientist and psychotherapist in private practice.
Judy Sutherland along with Charmaine McVea and Julia Hailes, are members of the AANZPA research committee, she has a passion for research, and research-informed practice.
Philippa van Kuilenburg — Working with the Drama of the Learning Edge
The stage is wherever we interact with others and the interaction is the drama. I am inspired by Moreno’s words: “Play yourself as you never were, so you can begin what you could have been. Be your own inspiration, your own author, your own executor, your own therapist and finally, your own Creator.” I will present moments of being on the edge and the call of being my own Creator as I invite you to be yours.
Philippa van Kuilenburg is a Role Trainer. Whether in the business world, in groups or as a therapist, she works with the learning edge and a focus on the warm-up to self and one’s purpose in life.
Katherine Howard — Shamanic Psychodrama
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition grounded in a connection with nature, the interconnectedness of all things and in community. I will first share a little about Shamanism and how its magic and ritual is amplified by Morenian Methods. In this workshop, we will undertake a Shamanic drum journey to the Lower Realm to meet your Power Animals (other inner roles may also be encountered). Power Animals are animal spirits who live within you and carry power and wisdom. Following the drum journey, we will have enactments to bring the power and wisdom of your Power Animals into your life.
Katherine Howard is an Irish Grandmother and descendant of the Healers/ Wise Women of the wild Burren Coast of Ireland. She is a Psychodramatist, Shamanic Midwife and Occupational Therapist.
Bev Hosking and Jenny Hutt — Meeting with the Elders
This session is the first in a series celebrating the elders in AANZPA. Three elders have been invited to reflect on how they have applied the psychodrama method during their working lives and what value they have seen in this. Each elder will have time to present some of their experience – key moments, challenges and learning. There will be some brief enactments and sharing. Participants will have a chance to deepen their appreciation of AANZPA elders and discover different eras and applications of psychodrama.
Bev Hosking (TEP) is committed to bringing spontaneity and creativity to all aspects of life and work. She is currently a trainer and the Executive Director of the Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute and a member of the AANZPA Board of Examiners.
Jenny Hutt (TEP) has dedicated herself to enriching our community and developing our culture as practitioners. She is Director of Training at the Melbourne Campus of Psychodrama Australia and Secretary of the AANZPA Board of Examiners.
Kevin Franklin and Viv Thomson — Working with Moreno’s Canon of Creativity and Motto
Moreno’s Canon invites transformation through action. In the first half of the session Kevin will present three psychodramatic concepts: role-playing, role-taking and universe. Viv and a ‘wildcard-person’ will make off-the-cuff commentary; responses which may take an action form. In the second part Kevin will work axiodramatically with the group, emergent themes and the question: “What is the common and shared ground?” As in other action work a number of dimensions, criteria, understandings and perhaps missed-understandings will be explored. There will be opportunity to share what and why; and closure.
Dr Kevin Franklin is a Psychodramatist, TEP and Clinical Psychologist. Kevin is Training Director of Perth Campus and Thesis Registrar on the Board of Examiners. This session comes out of that topsy-turvy experience of “What is Psychodrama?”, and why I love-hate it!
Vivienne Thomson is a Sociodramatist, TEP, and Director of Training of the Auckland Training Centre for Psychodrama. She is particularly interested in role theory and its interdependence with spontaneity and creativity and developing shared understanding of Moreno’s theory.
Jerri Bassi — Psychodrama within the Mental Health System
I will share my work with group members from a variety of cultural, economic backgrounds: all are diagnosed with mental health conditions, referred by primary health clinicians. In order to educate clinicians who make these referrals, I have been experimenting with small figures and film as a means to communicate what happens in this group. These short films demonstrate psychodramatic techniques to clinicians who have not experienced the method. I am very interested in the impact of these films on viewers. I will approach this session the way I work with the group and show some short film clips.
Jerri Bassi is a Psychodramatist,Fvery Educator and a registered psychotherapist living and working in Wellington, New Zealand. Among other things he is interested in how sociometric awareness can lead to significant psychodramatic action.
Thursday 22 January — Evening Sessions
- Session Selection: 7:00pm
- Sessions: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Dr. Elaine Ades Sachnoff – The Not So Dearly Departed
Dealing with the residue from people who have left our lives. What does it take to get them out of our heads? A silver bullet? A pointy wooden stick? A sincere apology? The last word? Using psychodrama we will work with these possibilities and others.
Dr Elaine Ades Sachnoff, Ph.D. is the founder and director of the Psychodrama Training Institute of Chicago (1981 to present) She is a clinical psychologist, a TEP certified by the ABE, author of the Warm Up Book and the 2005 recipient of the JL Moreno Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychodrama in the USA.
Katerina Seligman — The Living News
In this session we will enact stories from recent current affairs and news. Participants are invited to bring news items which are of interest to them. After a group warm-up, one or several news items will be chosen and enacted sociodramatically. You can expect to deepen your understanding of current events and the multiple responses different people have to these events.
Katerina Seligman MSc., Dip Ed., Psychodramatist, TEP and has worked as a Psychodramatist and psychodrama trainer for many years. She has recently retired from training and directs her focus on the economic, educational and environmental challenges of the day. She lives in New Zealand and spends lots of time adventuring with her grandchildren.
Jo-Anne Colwell — Bullying in Secondary Schools: Development of a Psychodrama Programme
A brief research orientated presentation on ‘Bullying in Secondary Schools’ (which is my professional doctorate research project). I will highlight an intervention, consisting of four linked sessions using sociodrama, to explore six different roles involved in bullying. The emphasis of the project is on developing a different response in the bystander roles.
Jo-Anne Colwell is a Psychodramatist and Psychologist. Jo-Anne has been in private practice in Melbourne for over 15 years. Jo-Anne is enrolled in the Professional Doctorate of Clinical Science at La Trobe University, Melbourne, where the focus of her research is bullying in secondary schools.
Patricia O’Rourke — Work in Child Protection
In this interactive workshop, I will present my work as a therapist/supervisor in a service providing specialised assessment and therapy to high risk infants and their parents. This state-wide service is funded by child protection services and is based in a large public hospital. The work is challenging, at times hopelessly inadequate, at times restorative, at times inspiring – and always worthwhile. Moreno’s vision inspires and sustains me. Working in the ‘now’, tele and role reversal underpins this work. In this workshop you will have an opportunity to enact roles, think systemically, discuss various challenges and reflect on Moreno’s ideas.
Patricia O’Rourke is a Psychodramatist and Child Psychotherapist. She co-ordinates the Infant Therapeutic Reunification Service at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide. She works as a consultant, supervisor and trainer in private practice and is completing a PhD at the University of Adelaide.
Renee Alleyne – Out of Control Sexual Behaviours – A Synthesis of Psychodramatic Treatment and Sex Therapy NZ’s Best Practice Guidelines
Moreno worked creatively and effectively with prostitutes and today his psychodramatic method lends itself to working with those who enact compulsive sexual behaviours. This workshop will begin by exploring the problems faced with out of control sexual behaviours or known in some circles as sex addiction. A treatment model developed by Sex Therapy New Zealand’s Robyn Salisbury will be presented in a manner that will encourage group participants to enter into the presentation in a light hearted and playful manner, despite the serious nature of the topic. Renee will demonstrate how she has combined the STNZ treatment model with psychodrama.
Renee Alleyne conducts a private practice in Motueka. She is a Psychodramatist, a member of NZAC and completed a BA in Psychology. Renee is a member of STNZ and offers sex therapy to both individuals and couples, specialising in the area of intimacy and sex addiction.
Ali Begg, John Barton — Balint meets Moreno
This workshop will give you an opportunity to experience the Balint method and to combine it with psychodrama. It is suitable for anyone involved in therapeutic relationships interested in an enlivening group supervision method. Doctors and therapists find Balint groups provide a clear structure for reflecting on challenging therapeutic relationships. Originally developed by Michael and Enid Balint, they have been evolving and becoming more popular recently. The French have developed a way of adding psychodrama. In this group we will introduce the classic Balint method, our take on the French psychodrama version and perhaps develop our own AANZPA twist.
Ali Begg is a Psychodramatist, GP and Balint group leader in Christchurch.
John Barton is a Psychodramatist, accredited Balint leader and trainer, psychotherapist and GP living in Auckland.
Friday 23 January — Morning Sessions
- Session Selection: 9:00am
- Sessions: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Elizabeth Synnot and Claire Guy on behalf of the AANZPA Executive — AANZPA thriving 2015 – 2025 : Part One (an all day group – continues in the afternoon)
Sociodramatic enactments of our vision and values, and the opportunities and possible challenges to achieving our objects, will be explored. We will connect with what guides us in AANZPA’s Executive and Regional work, our contexts and our collective leadership in this work. We will identify the strengths we already have which can be built upon and also identify areas of our organisational functioning that require further development. Our collaboration will assist us to be a vigorous, potent and viable organisation that has complementary actions throughout the organisation. We will create a deeper connection with what inspires us and the realities of the contexts in which we work. This work will be summarised as 4 – 6 AANZPA draft priorities to guide planning and coordinate work over the next ten years. The outcome of this event will be presented to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our intention is for the Regions to work with these draft priorities and to report back to the AGM in 2016.
Claire Guy practices as a psychotherapist and supervisor. She is a Psychodramatist and TEP with the Nelson Branch of WPTI, has served on the Board of Examiners and is currently on the Executive. She seeks to co-create a vital community of practitioners, trainees and recipients whose lives are enriched and expanded through the psychodramatic method.
Elizabeth Synnot, LLB, M Soc Sci, is a Sociodramatist and TEPIT, Director of Psychodrama Australia with the Brisbane campus. She is an Executive delegate to the PACFA Council. She conducts a Sociodrama practice through which she provides team leadership development, family therapy and individual sessions.
Ann Hale (with Bev Hosking) — Beacon and Beyond – 1.5 hrs
J.L. Moreno set up an Institute in Beacon, New York where he worked for many years developing the psychodrama method. Ann Hale trained at Beacon with J.L. Moreno and Zerka Moreno from 1970-1974. Ann carries many stories from this time in the development of psychodrama and I have invited her to tell some of them so we can come to know more about the whakapapa of psychodrama. Ann will also tell stories of what she has taken forward from that time and what she is looking towards in the future. You will be invited to bring out your responses to what you have heard and to tell some stories of your own.
Walter Logeman — Moreno’s Scientific Methodology – 1.5 hrs
Jonathan D. Moreno, in the introduction to the autobiography of his father, introduces J.L. Moreno as “a religious prophet or a wizard or a guru … he was all of these and a scientist.” Walter will present a summary of Moreno’s approach to science, based on extensive reading of his writings. Following this, group members will be invited to share their responses, using the stage.
Walter Logeman is a Psychodramatist, TEP and psychotherapist in Christchurch.
Carlos A. Raimundo — Relationship Capital: Biology of Leadership, Role Theory, Stakeholder’s Mapping and Profiling (e.g. LSI, Enneagram) in Corporate Settings – 3 hrs
In this workshop I will present how I use Role Theory, Neuro-science and Psychodrama/Play of Life to maximise the power of profiles like Enneagram, TLC (The Leadership Circle) and LSI for relational development in the corporate environment. Participants will be able to apply the topics into personal development and psychotherapy. Participants will receive part of the presentation in a PowerPoint (emailed after the workshop) with the licence for use (mentioning the source), in their professional work. This theoretical-experiential workshop includes role theory, corporate language, psychodramatic techniques and/or Play of Life. Very little will be repeated from Thursday morning’s ‘Captives No More’ workshop.
Carlos Raimundo’s (MBA, PhD.) professional training, spiritual journey and experience in medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, sociology and theology, forms a comprehensive background to his work in psychotherapy and the business world, leading to individual and collective growth. Carlos is an author (Relationship Capital, Prentice Hall) and is a ‘Innovators Award’ winner (ASGPP 2004).
Juliana Kaya Prpic — Fragments of a dream – 3 hrs
Moreno showed that psychodrama is effective in working with dreams. In 1951 he published “Fragments from the Psychodrama of a Dream” where he likened the dream itself to an inner theatre. From the depths of this dreamworld, our unconscious offers symbolic fragments and rich images, reflecting our present state of being and pointing to the hopes, wishes and fantasies we hold for the future. This workshop will provide an opportunity to re-dream our dreams and explore them in action, enabling personal and archetypal symbols to come alive and stir our imaginations for a creative waking life.
Juliana Kaya Prpic is an advanced psychodrama trainee and is currently a candidate at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. Her work as an educator and researcher brings together the two great loves of her life – psychodrama and Jungian analysis.
Kate Cooke, Neil Hucker, Annette Fisher, Peggy Cook — Translating Psychodrama: Psychodramatising our clinical experiences – 3 hrs
This workshop arises out of a presentation on Borderline Personality Disorder given at the 2014 AANZPA Conference. Clinical disorders are often framed in paradigms like psychodynamic psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mentalization Based Treatment, or the Medical Model. This workshop will explore a number of clinical moments. We provide a forum to discuss the translation process from different psychological frameworks or modalities that group members use. This translation process can involve a loss or a gain in meaning. We anticipate that together we will discover the enrichment that psychodrama brings to other modalities and how those other modalities can enrich psychodrama.
Peggy Cook is a Role Trainer and a psychodynamic psychotherapist, in private practice, currently interning at Relationships Australia.
Neil Hucker is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychodramatist working in private practice in Melbourne. He has a long time interest in the use of the psychodrama method with psychiatric disorders.
Annette Fisher is a Psychodramatist TEP, counsellor, psychotherapist, visual artist and occupational therapist working in private practice and as a consultant to organisations.
Kate Cooke is a psychiatric nurse, and a Psychodramatist working in the field of personality disorders, particularly Borderline Personality Disorder.
Donna Little — Dynamic Therapeutic Model
This workshop offers a tool called the Dynamic Therapeutic Model devised by Donna Little and Nonie Lyon, Toronto Centre for Psychodrama and Sociometry, Toronto, Canada, (1995 ). This model is a synthesis of two triangles, one drawn from Psychosynthesis. and one from T.A., Karpman’s Triangle. The model is designed for use in enactments and pen and paper mapping of processes, such as supervision, conflict resolution, marriage counseling, team building and other forms of engagement. Experience this tool in action unpacking a group’s dynamic, or as a tool for use in individual or group supervision.
Donna Little is a Trainer with the Toronto Centre for Psychodrama, where she has been on the faculty since 1980. She has frequently presented at ASGPP conferences and presented at the AANZPA conference in Sydney, 1988. In 2002, she published with Ann Hale, “Sociometric Processing of Action Events.”
Friday 23 January — Afternoon Sessions
- Session Selection: 2:00pm
- Sessions: 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Elizabeth Synnot and Claire Guy, on behalf of the Executive — AANZPA thriving 2015 to 2025 : Part Two (an all day group)
See Part One above for details.
Helen Phelan — New Eyes, New Worlds – Moreno’s Action Methods Unveiling and Healing Today’s Systemic Racism – 3 hrs
We know the systems in our world through our own world view and perspectives. What we see and what sense we make of a system, influences the decisions for interventions and engagement. In this workshop I will share some of my recent work with organisations, challenging systemic racism – a topic that can trigger the full range of human and system responses. You are invited to explore the systems in which you work and live, uncover hidden dynamics and shine a light on the influencing forces.
Helen Phelan has taken psychodrama into her life and work in organisational development in a range of settings. She is currently developing ways to integrate psychodrama into community education on systemic racism. She journeyed from Information Systems to qualify as a Sociometrist and is currently completing a Masters in Human Rights.
Brigid Hirschfeld — Who have I become with the help of my Psychodrama Ancestors?
“We live as part of an invisible web, a web we also help to weave.” A.A. Schutzenberger.
Jacob Moreno is our original ancestor in the world of psychodrama. Several of our early trainers began their training with Jacob or Zerka Moreno and so the web of creation was begun as they subsequently passed on to us their inheritance. This experiential workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on our journey and to recognise the various psychodrama ancestors who have influenced and assisted us to develop and learn. Each of us can create our own tree of ancestors and identify the significant moments in our growth. These will be explored using psychodrama methods.
Brigid Hirschfeld is a Psychodrama TEP and on the staff of Psychodrama Australia, Brisbane Campus. Her love of history, her work as the AANZPA Archivist and her recent delight in the TV program that brings to light family ancestors, gave birth to the idea of engaging with our psychodrama ancestors.
Phil Carter — Less than Nothing
Failing away and forgetting. Pain and more pain. Shame and guilt. Failure, mistakes, breakdowns and let downs. Abandonment, isolation and carelessness. Sin, disease and death. Fear and loathing. Denial, fear and immaturity. No solution, no redemption, no restoration or resurrection. No hope, no love and no method. No vulnerability, no freedom and no play. NOTHING. No beginning and no end. No ideas, no ideology and no technology. No Satan, no Lucifer and no God. No Moreno. Less than nothing. No words, no justice, nonsense.
Dr. Philip Carter is a Psychodramatist. He teaches research methods to post-graduate students.
Don Reekie and Vivienne Thomson — Does ROLE cut the mustard?
Am I equipped to cut the mustard? Most means of making sense of human behaviour have theories, models, templates that mimic or represent in caricature a range of differences. Moreno’s exploration of Role Dynamics began an unfinished inquiry that offers a pragmatic and ‘common sense’ way of recognising and appreciating the dynamics of individual and relational realities of being human – as it happens, as it has happened and as it may yet happen. On a journey of discovery into role dynamics, Don Reekie and Vivienne Thomson will present, create collaborative explorations and lead investigative reflections so that we are more able to “cut the mustard”.
Vivienne Thompson and Don Reekie have worked together on many ventures in psychodrama over thirty years. Viv is a Sociodramatist and TEP. Don is a Role Trainer, Psychodramatist and TEP. Both have worked in personal development and organisational development. They had many years of learning and development with Max Clayton, and completed the Wasley Centre’s Practicum In Organisational Group Work. In spite of observable individual differences, they share a powerful respect for and application of Morenean role dynamics. Their ideas and methodologies are remarkably aligned.
Friday 23 January — Entertainment Evening
Entertainment Evening. Details to be announced.
Saturday 24 January
Australian and and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Incorporated Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Start Time: 9:00am
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the one time in the year when we meet together as members. We will warm up to our work as the professional association for psychodrama in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and face-to-face as a community of psychodramatists. As you know over the year our work is done by volunteers in the following settings; our Regions, the Ethics Committee, the Board of Examiners, the Christchurch Conference Committee, and the Executive. At our AGM we will receive various reports on actions and experiences that have arisen during 2014, this is followed by discussion.
Those who have been assessed as Practitioners or Trainer Educator Practitioners (TEPs) are awarded their certificates by the Board of Examiners and receive our acclaim.
The AGM is the forum for discussion (e.g. a review of the affiliate associate membership category), placing motions before the membership for decisions (e.g. fees), and to consider those matters that require input from us all (e.g. expanding our conference disability policy).
At the 2014 AGM we will have an election of the Executive. Several members are re-standing and there have been nominations to replace the four long-standing members who are stepping down.
Come and enjoy your participation in our central democratic process for the year.
Saturday 24 January — Evening
- Time: 6:00pm – Midnight
The dinner / dance will be held at the Russley Golf Club and Function Centre. Return transport will be provided from the conference venue to the Russley Golf Club. Music will be by Swing, Blues, Dream Pop, Doo Wop band Devilish Mary and the Holy Rollers.
Sunday 25 January — Morning Sessions
- Session Selection: 9:00am
- Sessions: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Yehoshua and Hamish Brown — The Researcher/Practitioner Partnership Model in Action – 1.5 hrs.
There is a paucity of psychodrama research published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. This situation needs to be remedied if psychodrama is to continue to be accepted as a viable psychotherapeutic modality. This presentation discusses a recent example of the researcher/practitioner partnership model in action. This model could greatly enhance the quality and quantity of psychodrama research published in scholarly journals by utilising the skills of specialist researchers. The practitioner is Hamish Brown and the researcher is Yehoshua. The study title is ‘The development of psychodrama enactment themes throughout the life of the group: A collective case study’.
Yehoshua has over 30 years experience as a Social Worker, Gestalt Therapist, Group Therapist and Family Therapist. He is currently a part-time psychodrama trainee, a part-time postgraduate research student, a part-time flight instructor and a full-time human being. His passion is group work.
Hamish Brown is a Registered Psychotherapist in private practice in Auckland. He was certificated a Psychodrama in 2007. He has been running experiential psychodrama weekends for the public regularly since 2002 and ran a weekly long term group for 5 years between 2008 – 2013.
Sheryl Horomoana-Gardyne — Connecting Landscapes – 1.5 hrs
- Embracing
- Celebrating
…..our similarities and differences.
This is an opportunity to reflect on our ‘known’ landscape. The one that shapes, colours and informs our identity. The one our soul knows. Inspired by our work together we will incorporate and celebrate the connections in our authentic context. The impact that the landscape of this conference has on our mauri…our essence.
Sheryl Horomoana-Gardyne has lived most of her life in Otautahi, Christchurch. For the last 26 years she worked with Maori youth in a Special-Needs Residential College. Currently she is working in a Kaupapa Maori organisation advocating for urban Maori who are detached from their tribal territory, whakapapa or genealogical connections.
Annette Fisher — Let’s Have a Conversation About Gender – 3 hrs
What affect does gender have in modernity? What has our gender contributed to where we are today? Literature and research has defined certain areas where gender effects the consequences of employment, career, status and life experiences. This workshop is to discover, through enactment and group interaction, more about each other and to share and discover the consequences that have resulted in group members lives due to their gender. This session will honour psychodrama and the theory and practice as established by JL Moreno. Finally the group members will review the use of the method in the session.
Annette Fisher is a Psychodramatist, TEP, private practitioner, artist and consultant.
Jenny Wilson — CBT in Action: Experiments and Exposure – 3 hrs
Moreno: Psychodrama … includes all previous technical approaches (Moreno, 1959:1975, p.236). In his time, Moreno integrated techniques from other approaches. Today Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) provides empirically supported strategies that Psychodramatists can borrow. Two CBT techniques for anxiety will be presented: graded exposure and behavioural experiments. Each requires action and a new response to an old feared situation. CBT provides the instruction and rationale; psychodrama adds the creativity and relationship to do it well. Explanation, research and client hand-outs for each strategy will be presented along with case material and practice to illustrate.
Jenny Wilson (Psychodramatist and Senior Clinical Psychologist), works at the Psychology Clinic, University of Canterbury. She enjoys teaching and supervising students and seeing clients for therapy. She has trained extensively in several therapies including research protocol CBT and Psychodrama. She has a long-standing interest in the thoughtful integration of therapies.
Marlo Archer — Quit crying, go home: how not to end a group – 3 hrs
Participants in this beginner’s interactive, didactic, and experiential workshop will learn the three parts of the Group Psychotherapy / Group Dynamics (Integration) Phase of the Hollander Curve (i.e., audience disclosure, group dialog, and summary); the importance, and several methods of, de-roling; how to re-assimilate the protagonist into the audience; and how to return group members to their heads, insuring against dismissing them in a state of incompleteness, pain, or panic. Carl Hollander studied directly under Moreno.
Dr. Marlo Archer, CP, PAT, is a co-founder of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute, a licensed psychologist, and the 2013 recipient of the Zerka T. Moreno Award from the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. She was trained by Dorothy & Mort Satten, Rebecca Walters, Ann Hale, Zerka Moreno, and others.
Rosemary Nourse — Spontaneity when mediating conflict – 3 hrs
Moreno’s worked with couples to reach their own decisions, shaped more by their wishes and circumstances than the cultural conserve of the sanctity of marriage. Now that separation and divorce are more common, there are a range of cultural conserves about parenting post-separation. Central tenets of Moreno’s teaching; creativity and spontaneity, remain relevant today in developing personal responses which are not bound by cultural conserves. We will explore an approach to working spontaneously with people in conflict to develop new options, including assisting separating parents to reach decisions about parenting arrangements that work well for them and their children.
Rosemary Nourse is a Psychodramatist who has applied the method with separating parents for several years. Now she is working with the challenges of continuing to work spontaneously in a new legislative and bureaucratic framework. She is also using the approaches she developed with separating parents to other conflicts in families and workplaces.
Kaya Kade — Chronic Pain – An issue of our time – 3 hrs
People spend a lot of time and energy battling their perceived enemy: Chronic Pain. In this workshop we will consider ways that people project their inner negative voices onto their chronic pain, creating an enemy larger than life. Through role reversals and basic psychodramatic techniques we will explore ways to change this relationship, neutralizing the enemy and re-directing positive energy to the self. If appropriate, a psychodrama will be conducted.
Kaya T. Kade, LPC, CDMS, TEP (is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Disability Management Specialist and certified by the American Board of Examiners in Sociometry, Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama as a TEP. For more information visit her website.
Poroporoaki (Farewell Ceremony)
Poroporoaki: 2:00pm – 3:00pm Sunday 25 January