
One of the objects of the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association is:

To promote the establishment and reputation of psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand by establishing and monitoring a Code of Ethics for members of the Association practising psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry or role training.

To this end, AANZPA has developed the following documents:

The Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics (Updated July 2024) provides guidelines for understanding 'good practice' that AANZPA has evolved over many years.

The Complaints Procedure

The Complaints Procedure (Updated July 2024) gives us an orderly way to deal with any complaints received.


The purpose of AANZPA is to promote spontaneity in the Members of the Association and through them the spontaneity, creativity and co-creation of progressive relationships that strengthen the health and well-being of society in Australia and Aotearoa   New Zealand and in our relationships with those in other countries.

Contact the AANZPA Ethics Committee
