Journal 2024

Contents Editorial This goes with that. Phillip Corbett Quiet joys amongst sad sad truths. Elizabeth Synnot From being dumped by waves to finding shells on the beach: Rediscovering life after a mental health crisis in later life. Tina Roussos Psychodramatic production...

Journal 1993

Journal 2 December 1993 Contents The Mandorla (PDF, 91.5 KB) Book Review: ‘Love Songs to Life’ by Zerka Moreno (PDF, 174.4 KB)  » Daniel Book Review: ‘Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique’ edited by Paul Holmes and Marcia Karp (PDF, 118.8 KB)...

Journal 1994

Journal 3 December 1994 Contents Dr J. L. Moreno – Marriage Therapist (PDF, 791.1 KB)  » Fowler Sociometry and Psychodrama with Teenagers: Improving the Quality of Their Lives (PDF, 565.6 KB)  » Bassi The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Writer: Isolation in the...

Journal 1995

Journal 4 December 1995 Contents Using Psychodrama to Facilitate Victim Empathy in Adolescent Sexual Offenders (PDF, 486.0 KB)  » Lambie; Robson A Poem (PDF, 243.2 KB)  » Kilgour Bringing in the Baby (PDF, 1,003.6 KB)  » Crane Seizing the Moment: The Dramatic Impact...

Journal 1992

Journal 1 December 1992 Contents Medical Journey to Another World (PDF, 403.4 KB)  » Wilson The Tantalus Myth (PDF, 225.7 KB)  » Field The Conductor’s Baton as a Magic Wand (PDF, 117.1 KB)  » Robinson Training The Auxiliary Ego (PDF, 1.0 MB)  » Brodie Book...

Journal 1997

Journal 6 December 1997 Contents The Place of Psychodrama in the Treatment of Alcoholism (PDF, 801.9 KB)  » Crawford Sobriety Shop: Structured Role Plays in a Residential Treatment Centre for Alcohol and Drug Dependency (PDF, 508.5 KB)  » Faisandier The Contribution...