Journal 2016

Journal 25 December 2016 Contents Book Reviews (PDF, 281.1 KB)  » Hutt; Wilson Dale Herron: Opportunity, courage, freedom (PDF, 321.6 KB)  » Reid Why aren’t you dancing? (PDF, 213.8 KB)  » Crane Previous journal articles: Reflections and implications (PDF, 443.7...

Journal 2022

Contents Book Review: Leadership Levers by Diana Jone (PDF, 69.6 KB)  » Phelan Book Review: Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama (PDF, 103.3 KB)  » Gurnsey Tauhara Encounter: Reflections on a Residential Psychodrama Group Session (PDF, 129.8 KB)  » Whisker...

Journal 2023

Contents Editorial 2023 (PDF, 49.9 KB)  » Crane Praxis: Using psychodrama methodology to respond to the existential threat of climate change (PDF, 109.5 KB)  » Synnot Living not Acting (PDF, 43.0 KB)  » McCoy Poems by Rowan Jeffrey (PDF, 56.6 KB)  » Jeffrey Taking...