ANZPA Conference 2009
Thursday 22nd January 7.30 – 9.30pm
Facilitated by Sara Crane and Paul Baakman – First steps to meeting
Friday 23rd January 9am – 10am
José Fonseca – Inclusion-exclusion in the life and work of J.L. Moreno
Friday 23rd January 11am – 12.30pm
Kate Cooke – Empathic attunement and play: social atom repair with people who have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder
Jacqui Gough – Childhood creativity and social atom repair: recognising ourselves from early experiences of visual and auditory media and how these manifest in the world today
Claire Guy – Writing on the wall: Creative writing as a vehicle for personal and family social atom repair
Charmaine McVea – Protagonists’ experiences of healing from emotionally painful experiences
Vivienne Thomson – Intersections of inspiration
Philippa van Kuilenburg – The more we are different the more we are the same
Friday 23rd January 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Phillip Corbett – Improvisational drama exercises to develop authenticity in auxiliary work
Haydn Gibson – “My karma ran over your dogma.” Using dreams for social atom repair
Neil Hucker – Through the mind’s eye. Directing imaginary psychodrama
Diana Jones – The sociometrist’s view of the social and cultural atom at work
Jane Maher – Taking time to explore the role-er coaster of parenting adolescents
Don Reekie – Social atom at its source: the place where spontaneity meets role
Friday 23rd January 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Paul Baakman – Turning the tide
Jo-Anne Colwell – Babushka dolls and an exploration of internal roles
Joan Daniels –Counselling and supervision using role theory when there are no auxiliaries
John Faisandier – Social repair at work: the TUF: Thriving Under Fire programme for workplace training
András Zánkay – Creative relationship: the creation of a relationship
Saturday 24th January 9am – 10am
Facilitated by Tania Oolders – Community-building – stories across different cultures
Saturday 24th January 10.30am – 12.30pm
Annette Fisher – The use of the double for social atom repair
Bev Hosking – A book group
Neil Hucker – The magic shop
Charmaine McVea – Harnessing the social investigator to produce thought-provoking research
Jean Mehrtens and Jo-Anne Colwell – Psychodrama and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Saturday 24th January 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Margie Abbott – ‘Let the bellbird sing.’ Relishing the richness of ritual within psychodrama
John Barton – Social atom repair in the one-to-one session; a walk down memory lane with the little people
Max Clayton – Remaining centred and still as a working psychodramatist
Katerina Seligman with cultural support from several Māori members of Ohomairaki – Tikanga e rua
Elizabeth Synnot – Being vital in old and familiar contexts
Sandra Turner & Faye Gorman – From where will the bellbird sing? Social repair in a community devastated by multiple teenage suicides.
Saturday 24th January 7.30pm
José Fonseca – The life and times of Brazilian psychodrama – stories both personal and political
Sunday 25th January 9.00am – 4.30pm
ANZPA AGM and Life of the Association
Sunday 25th January evening
Dinner dance
Monday 26th January 9.30am – 12.30pm
Annie Currie – Claiming your turangawaewae
Tony Densley – Thriving and surviving in post-modern organizations when the bastards really are out to get you
Brigid Hirschfeld – A song, a book and a poem: working with social atom repair in individual therapy
Jenny Hutt – Asking a fish to describe water
Tim Mapel – Bringing greater awareness to our work
Cher Williscroft – Repairing communication breakdowns
Pre & Post Conference Workshops
The following workshops will run on either side of the conference. Workshop places will be given first to those people who register for the whole conference. Apart from this workshop positions will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Pre-Conference Workshops
- Breathing Life into Psychodramatic Techniques – workshop leader Dr Max Clayton
- The Emerging Voice – workshop leader Hilde Knottenbelt
Post Conference Workshops
- Cutting the sociodramatic cloth to fit the context in family, organisational and community settings – workshop leader Elizabeth (Diz) Synnott
- Relationship psychotherapy: a minimalist psychodrama – workshop leader Dr José Fonseca
All workshops will run for two days, and will be held at Salmond Hall. Lunch and dinner are included in the workshop fee; accommodation is an extra cost. Read on and warm up to the workshop that will best further your professional development this year.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-Conference Workshop 1
Breathing Life into Psychodramatic Techniques
Led by Dr Max Clayton
This workshop is to blow a breath of fresh air into our work with groups and in the production of dramas.
Producing role reversals with feeling and greater meaning, warming up individuals through confidently interviewing for role, maximizing expression with ease, acting as an intelligent double – all of these actions are highly prized expressions of an intelligent producer. In this workshop we will work together to increase your capacity for all of these. The methods employed will include teaching, coaching, demonstration and supervised practice. Max is looking forward to being with you.
Max Clayton
About the workshop leader: Max is an experienced clinician, individual and group supervisor and trainer, working intensively in this field for many years. He has accrued significant skill and a depth of insight in teaching and training people in other cultures around the world. He is the author of several books on psychodrama. Max is a Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) and a Distinguished Member of ANZPA.
Dates and Times: The workshop will begin at 9:30am on Wednesday 21st, and will conclude at 4pm on Thursday 22nd.
Meals: The workshop provides lunch and dinner on Wednesday and lunch on Thursday.
Fee: $460 NZD (Fee is non-refundable after 21 December)
Pre-Conference Workshop 2
The Emerging Voice
Led by Hilde Knottenbelt
The ways in which we use our voices and tune into the voices of others can significantly inform and affect our work as psychodrama practitioners, auxiliaries, protagonists and trainee directors. Developing ease with singing and voice in our work as practitioners can lead to interventions which may include spontaneous expression through singing, the use of songs, vocal doubling and coaching, and role analysis informed by shifts in vocal quality. This workshop will foreground the auditory world. It will include spontaneity training with a focus on voice, singing and vocal co-creativity. Participants will become attuned to breath, sound, silence, resonance, harmony, dissonance, speech, rhythmic qualities of speech and timing.
There will be psychodramatic vignettes, vocal improvisations, and a working with the emerging themes of the group through song and spoken word.
Hilde Knottenbelt
About the workshop leader: Hilde is on the teaching staff of the Australian College of Psychodrama and Melbourne Institute of Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy. She has a private practice in Voice Work and Counselling.
Originally a teacher of languages and subsequently a Shiatsu practitioner, Voice teacher and Psychodramatist, she has an ongoing love of exploring sound, words, attunement, expressiveness and improvised singing and storytelling in groups. As a psychodramatist, she has developed her ability to work with an unfolding process combining the acappella tradition of unaccompanied harmony singing, psychodrama, playback theatre, group work and body-focused therapies. The creative integration of these influences continues to inform and contribute to the weaving of a unique body of work.
Dates and Times: The workshop will begin at 9:30am on Wednesday 21st, and will conclude at 4pm on Thursday 22nd.
Meals: The workshop provides lunch and dinner on Wednesday and lunch on Thursday.
Fee: $400 NZD (Fee is non-refundable after 21 December)
Post Conference Workshops
Post-Conference Workshop 1
Cutting the sociodramatic cloth to fit the context in family, organisational or community settings
Led by Elizabeth (Diz) Synnott
This workshop is for those currently working, or anticipating working, to enhance the functioning of groups and communities. Emphasis will be on the socious, and on being companionable colleagues in applying sociodramatic principles in the systems in which we work.
We will tailor the application of sociodrama to the settings in which you work and live. We will develop our spontaneity in the use of this method in complex and sometimes resistant settings. As we do this it is likely that the following will take place:
- identification of the forces impacting on family, work and community life
- concretisation of difference and sameness in values and world views of subgroups
- being experimental with the method
- movement between task focus and sociometric development in the group
Participants can anticipate being active in forming a collegial work group that
- touches us deeply and provides opportunities for personal work to expand our professional capabilities
- expands our contributions to the groups and social systems of which we are a part
- promotes integration of Moreno’s seminal method
- increases our capacity to present our professional identity in a range of ways, in the face of being conceived of as a facilitator, mediator, management flunky, etc.
- expands our leadership roles as learners, peers and educators.
Diz Synnott
About the workshop leader: Diz Synnot has thirty years experience working as a sociodramatist in large public sector organisations, small private/family businesses, indigenous communities and urban communities. She is a trainer in psychodrama and is the Director of Community and Organisational Development at the Moreno Collegium for Human Centred Research, Education and Development.
She says: “I have gained greatly from a range of vignette forms in my practise. This requires me to mobilise my spontaneity and be daring in enacting the unexpressed and often undiscussable in an organisation or community group.
Group members would say: “We are having a discussion, negotiation or fight and Diz does her stuff and somehow we get results that stick.”
Dates and Times: The workshop will begin at 9:30am on Tuesday 27th, and will conclude at 4pm on Wednesday 28th
Meals: The workshop fee includes lunch and dinner on Tuesday and lunch on Wednesday.
Fee: $430 NZD (Fee is non-refundable after 21 December)
Post-Conference Workshop 2
Relationship psychodrama – a minimalist psychodrama
Led by Dr José Fonseca
Relationship psychotherapy is a minimalist version of classical psychodrama. Minimalism is a tendency to simplify and to reduce the constitutive elements of something (minimalism is also an art movement which has influenced music, painting, dance and literature).
The origins of relationship psychotherapy came from the difficulties in adapting group psychodramatic techniques to one-to-one (bipersonal) work. The first adaptation is the reduction of a group psychodrama session of two hours duration to an individual session of 50 minutes. Another change is the unification of the roles of director and auxiliary-ego. The relationship psychotherapist is a blend of psychodrama director and auxiliary ego – a therapist-actor, so to speak. Presently relationship psychotherapy is utilized in both individual and group psychotherapy.
The following techniques are most frequently utilized: double-mirror (which synthesizes the double and the mirror), role-playing, role reversal, videotape and internal psychodrama (visualization and work with internal images or scenes).
Relationship psychotherapy aims to create a ludical (playful) therapeutic space that connects with the zone between the inside and the outside, between the conscious and unconscious: the spontaneous-creative space of the Moreno’s co-conscious and co-unconscious.
José Fonseca
About the workshop leader: José Fonseca, M.D., Ph.D. (University of São Paulo School of Medicine) is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, professor-supervisor of the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama, a psychodrama trainer at São Paulo Psychodrama Society and coordinator of the Daimon-Center for Relationship Studies. He is the author of three books on psychodrama: Relationship Psychotherapy (2000), Psychodrama of Madness (1980) in Portuguese and Contemporary psychodrama: new approaches to theory and technique in English (Brunner-Routledge, 2004). He also contributed a chapter and Forward to Sambadrama: The Arena of Brazilian Psychodrama, (2006, edited by Zoltan Figusch), an anthology of papers by psychodramatists from Brazil.
José is one of the pioneers of the Brazilian psychodramatic movement and a founder of the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama. He is a former editor of Forum, the annual publication of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP). He lives in São Paulo with his wife Maria, who is a family therapist. José says: “I am a shy person despite the fact that some persons don’t believe it. In terms of this existential moment what I more emphasize are the grandchildren. I have two and Maria has three grandchildren. Sometimes we have the five together: great happiness and sometimes… some tiredness.”
Dates and Times: The workshop will begin at 9:30am on Tuesday 27th, and will conclude at 4pm on Wednesday 28th