AANZPA Conference 2016
…. the truth is in the relationship ….
The 2016 Conference is at Sancta Sophia College, Sydney University.
Conference Sessions
Program Co-ordinators Bona Anna and Rollo Browne are delighted to announce that the program of conference sessions is finalised (barring change from unforeseen circumstances). Scroll down this page to access –
- a Short List of presenter names and session titles, grouped by time slot
- a Detailed List including full session descriptions and presenter bios, listed alphabetically by presenter first name
- and an Interactive Calendar showing which sessions are on when, including descriptions of the individual sessions
Pre-Conference Workshop: The Things That Glow with Dr Antony Williams
Using a variety of frameworks, and moving between pairs and the large group, participants will recall times when happiness tapped them on the shoulder. We’ll uncover grand and humble life events that have made us – to our surprise, perhaps – feel joyful and alive. The time for all of them is past, but we can enact them psychodramatically in a series of short vignettes, and lay out the welcome mat should they come again. You never know, we may even be able to discern certain threads between these times of happiness or contentment, which will help us be on the lookout for them in the future. We’ll spend some time preparing and delivering a post-session ritual for a protagonist in one of these vignettes.
Your Workshop Leader : Dr Antony Williams
Dr Antony Williams is a TEP and Distinguished Member of AANZPA. He has written several books on using action methods in family therapy, in groups and in supervision. He lives amid family and renovations in Melbourne. His current practice is almost entirely with organisations.
Pre-Conference Workshop : The Spontaneous Voice: Instrument and Metaphor with Hilde Knottenbelt
Our voices are an expression of our embodied selves. They enable us to express ourselves vocally and verbally. The uniqueness of each person’s sound repertoire is in some senses the auditory equivalent of a fingerprint. It is recognizable and readily distinguishable from other voices. Unlike a fingerprint, however, our repertoire of vocal sounds is not fixed. The cadences and textures of our voices vary with shifts in context and can be expanded and refined through spontaneity training.
While it is helpful to focus on its expressive qualities, voice is also sensitive to relatedness, to our experiences of listening and receiving as well as being listened to and being received. Voice as metaphor alludes to a range of lived experiences including finding one’s voice, freeing one’s voice, having a voice and or not having a voice.
In this workshop, participants will enter the territory of voice in a broad sense. They will connect to their voice as an embodied instrument, through attending to the breath, resonance, rhythm, tempo, pitch, melody, feeling and text. They will be invited to listen, respond and co-create vocally with others. Moments of experiencing in the emerging life of the group will be amplified through improvised songs and poetic renderings.
Dramatic enactments related to the area of voice as metaphor will be produced and particular attention paid to the voice as instrument within the enactments. There will be reflection on the relevance of this work in the context of psychodrama practice.
Your Workshop Leader : Hilde Knottenbelt
Hilde Knottenbelt is a psychodramatist with 28 years experience in leading groups focused on voice. She brings sensitivity and creative synthesis to her work as a psychodrama practitioner, trainer and voice teacher. She is a member of the teaching staff of Psychodrama Australia and co-ordinates the core and intermediate training at its Melbourne Campus.
- Tuesday January 19 – 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday January 20 – 9am to 4pm
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Post-Conference Workshop : Freedom from Shame and Doubt with Annette Fisher
Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt is a developmental stage in Eric Erikson’s psychological development theory. Through progressive role development, the psychodramatic method assists us to be free from the restraints of shame and doubt. This leads to a strengthening of identity and self-reliance that brings independence of thought and a basic confidence to think and act for oneself.
This training programme is especially designed to assist practitioners to develop their understanding of the dynamics of shame and the impact it has on human development. Shame and doubt can result in a poor self-image, co-dependant relationships and social isolation. The focus of the workshop will be on the development of progressive roles that lead to autonomy and self-determination, and the writing of new scripts such as, I am lovable, I am successful and I do deserve to be happy.
Participants will be involved in psychodramatic productions, large and small group interaction, role analyses, theoretical mini lectures, reflection and discussion. There will be opportunities to direct psychodramas and receive peer and leader supervision, with a particular focus on the development of abilities to produce a drama and apply the psychodramatic method in professional practice. In advance of the workshop, participants will be provided with a reading list and video clip to enhance learning.
Your Workshop Leader : Annette Fisher
Annette Fisher is a psychodramatist, TEP and trainer on the staff of Psychodrama Australia, and a counsellor and psychotherapist registered with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). The combination of psychology and the creative arts is a lifelong passion. Annette has presented seminars and workshops in Australia and overseas.
Post-Conference Workshop : Who is Nearest? Who is Dearest? The Significance of the Individual and the Formation of Group Culture with Chris Hosking
Sociometry disturbs the group from within. It provokes actions, thoughts, and feelings towards members of the group. As an active group process, sociometric interventions search out the influencing factors each individual member of the group projects into the group. Its goal is to create genuine cooperation and ultimately group cohesion, therefore the question of ‘who is nearest? who is dearest?’ is relevant in determining influences on the formation of the group culture.
The sociometrist views the group as having two areas of group life: the socially structured aspects of the group, and the privately structured aspects of the group. In this workshop we will investigate what contribution sociometry can make to identify the more conserved aspects of group ‘etiquette’, and how these can enrich and enliven the group character generating a more satisfying group experience.
Your Workshop Leader : Chris Hosking
Chris Hosking is a psychodramatist and TEP AANZPA. Currently living in the Far North of New Zealand, she travels to conduct workshops in New Zealand and Australia. Additional interests include her involvement with civil society actors in Myanmar and Vietnam and the innovative contributions they are making to their national and local communities.
- Monday January 25 – 9am to 5pm
- Tuesday January 26 – 9am to 5pm
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Please Note : This Post-Conference Workshop is now fully subscribed and has been removed as an option from the registration form. If you wish to be placed on a waiting list for the workshop please email the Conference Registrar directly.