A Place for Us
We meet together each year. We travel to a place to meet.
We think about each other as we are coming together.
We greet those we have had in our minds and others.
We take in all of us.
This time, Thursday, January 21, 2021, we will travel to a place virtually. We will have our directions in our hand so we will know where to go. We will go in through the link and come into the foyer of our online meeting place for this time in 2021. We will meet our friends and associates in the foyer of this new place.
Kate Cooke and Jean Mehrtens, co-convenors, invite you to meet with us in January 2021, to renew our connections, refresh our practices and celebrate our community.
Our venue offers a spacious Lobby, Info Desk, Plenary and Workshop sessions, and opportunities to interact in pairs and small groups outside formal sessions.
- Thursday, 21 January 2021, starting at 3:00 PM AEDT
- Friday, 22 January 2021 all day
Please Note: AEDT means Australian Eastern Daylight savings Time. You will need to translate AEDT into your local time.
Contact Information
- Online Event 21 enquiries - Kate Cooke and Jean Mehrtens event21@aanzpa.org
- Technical Enquiries - Jean Mehrtens event21@aanzpa.org
- Registrar - Jenny Postlethwaite
- Treasurer - Richard Mills
- Program - Hilde Knottenbelt and Bev Hosking online-event-programme@aanzpa.org
Registrations close 11 January 2021
Guidelines for your Registration
There is an exciting program of workshops to choose from and a range of other activities to enjoy and share (more on that later!).
It is a new and unusual experience for our community to gather online and some of our usual Conference processes are different:
- When registering, you will find it best to use a device with a full size screen i.e. a laptop or desktop computer or a good sized tablet, not a smart phone.
- Rather than choosing which workshop you wish to attend immediately before a session, you will need to make your choices in advance.
Numbers are limited for most workshops, so the earlier you register, the greater will be the choice available to you. - The cost of Registration is $60 AUD for all registrants.
- To help you with the process of registering and choosing workshops, we have put together a step by step walkthrough of the process, called the Registration Instructions (PDF). Even if you are an old hand at working online we encourage you to have a quick look at the Registration Instructions (PDF) before you register, so you know what to expect and how to choose your workshops.
- Do not worry when you go through the Registration Instructions (PDF) that you cannot see all the detail on the screenshots. These screenshots are designed to give you an idea where to find what you are looking for.
Registration Instructions
Get A Place for Us registration instructions
A Place for Us Registration
Register for A Place for Us on the Accelevents website