Motion to change Constitution

    That the AANZPA Constitution be changed to remove the requirement to audit and remove references to gender. The wording shall be changed as follows:


7.18 Accounts

The Executive Committee shall cause all records to be kept, and at least once after the completion of each Association year in respect of that Association year cause accounting reports to be made, or several separate accounts to be made, of all the property, financial transactions and affairs of the Association in such a manner as the Executive Committee thinks fit but so that the same shall be capable of being audited in such manner as the Auditor referred to in Sub-clause 18 may from time to time recommend.


7.18 Accounts

The Executive Committee shall cause all records to be kept, and at least once after the completion of each Association year in respect of that Association year cause accounting reports to be made, or several separate accounts to be made, of all the property, financial transactions and affairs of the Association in such a manner as the Executive Committee thinks fit but so that the same shall be externally examined by an accountant of recognised standing and shown to be compliant with reasonable financial reporting practice.


7.20 Auditor

The Association shall appoint an Auditor of such recognised standing as the Executive Committee shall think fit.


7.20 Accountant

The Association shall appoint an Accountant of such recognised standing as the Executive Committee shall think fit.


7.21 Audit

If an Auditor is appointed the Executive Committee shall submit the statements referred to in the Sub-Clause (18) to the Auditor of the Association to be audited once in each year prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall attach the report of the Auditor to the accounts when tabling the same at the Annual General Meeting.


Remove clause 7:21 Audit

Removal of references to gender

  1. Replace ‘he’, ‘him’, ‘she’, or ‘her’ with ‘they’, ‘them’ or the title of the position being referred to, where appropriate.
  2. Replace ‘Chairman’ with ‘Chair’.
  3. Remove clause: 1.4 Extension of Meaning In this Constitution, where necessary, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine shall include the feminine, and in each case, vice versa.

The proposed Constitution is available.