Tahi nei taru kino
Mahi whaiaipo
Kei te wehenga
Aroha kau ana
Haere mai ra
Ki ahau nei ra
Te aroha tino nui
Haere mai
Kore au e noho
Hoatu taku ringa
Kei huri ke koe
Whakakaitoa i muri
Titiro atu au
Tahuri ke koe
Kei roto i a koe
Pirangi mai ana
Like a pesky weed
You play at love
And when we are apart
Your love diminishes
Come then
To me
For my love for you is great
Come to me
I will not sit still
I give you my hand
But you may still turn away
In jest later
Oh when I look at you
You turn your face away
But in your heart, dear
You want me only