The Vision

Our vision is of people all over the world expressing themselves relevantly in the ordinary here and now situations in which they live and work. This expression may be in silence, in learning, in building, in negotiating, in teaching, or in play. It is a responsive and creative expression that brings joy to the human spirit that uplifts the soul that makes us feel part of the universe again.


First established in 1980, AANZPA now has about 90 Ordinary and Distinguished members who are Certificated Psychodramatist, Sociodramatists, Sociometrists or Role-Trainers. 25 of these members are further certificated as Trainer, Educator and Practitioners (TEPs) or Educator Practitioners. A further 200 members are Associate Members. Members are mainly from Australia or Aotearoa   New Zealand, with some in Japan, USA, UK or Europe

AANZPA is as an incorporated not-for-profit association in South Australia and in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Organisational Membership

Access a copy of the AANZPA Constitution


The object of the Association is to provide an organisation, property and facilities to promote psychodrama.


Information about the Ethics Committee, the Code of Ethics and the Complaints Procedure. 

AANZPA Executive

The AANZPA Executive is elected from certificated members every two years.

Board of Examiners

AANZPA’s Board of Examiners is appointed by the Executive.

AANZPA Membership

Information about AANZPA Membership and AANZPA Membership Categories


Regions further the life of AANZPA and its members in each area of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.


Ohomairaki is a group of Māori and Pakeha  working to develop a bi-culturalism within the Association.


AANZPA promotes spontaneity in the Members of the Association and through them others spontaneity.

Contact AANZPA