AANZPA Conference 2022


Ka whanawhana ai te tīwhanawhana o Kahukura i te rangi

Let the arch of the rainbow glisten

The AANZPA 2022 Conference is being hosted by AANZPA Northern Region.


Co-creative Human Endeavour
– our expression of psychodrama in practice


  • Conference Dates: 8th & 9th July 2022
  • Registrations will open on May 1st 2022

Online Event

This is an online event only, there is no in-person conference for 2022. The Conference is only open to current AANZPA members and trainees.


  •  $75 NZD or $75 AUD

Contact Information

Conference Helpdesk

  • Faith Moon +64 27 538 1040
  • Eric Park +64 22 377 6606
  • Vivienne Thomson +64 21 177 0727

Online Event Programme

Nau Mai, Haere Mai (welcome) to the Programme for the Online AANZPA 2022 Conference - Co-Creative Human Endeavour - Our Expression of Psychodrama in Practice.

We have endeavoured to encompass the aspects of AANZPA conferences that are meaningful for us with online workshops, breakout lounges and a dance. This is all supported by fun pre-conference workshops to make this Zoom event as enjoyable and easy to navigate as possible.

Please note all times are NZST.


Friday 8th July 2022

  • 6:30 PM: Zoom room opens
  • 7:00 PM: Whakatūwheratanga – Opening Ceremony
  • 7:30 PM Plenary Session. Join Cissy Rock as she converses with Paul Baakman, Chris Hosking and Peter Howie, traversing the conference theme. There will be time for participants to discuss in small groups and share what the conversation has stirred in them and then put questions to the panel.
  • 9:00 PM: Close

Saturday 9th July 2022

  • 2:15 PM Zoom room opens. Check in to make sure you know where you’re going and have the right Zoom link.
  • 2:30 PM: Afternoon Check-in
  • 2:45 PM: Workshop Stream One. Workshops 1-10 begin. You will receive a link for your workshop directly from the workshop presenter.
  • 4:15 PM: 30-minute break
  • 4:45 PM: Workshop Stream Two. Workshops 11-20 begin. You will receive a link for your workshop directly from the workshop presenter.
  • 6:15 PM: 30-minute break
  • 6:45 PM: Whakamutunga – Closing
  • 7:00 PM: Online Dance"Friday night and the lights are low ………."

    Our desire to dance, laugh, and move to the music won't be stunted because we are online. Join us in celebration when the first of our “DJ sets” kick off. Each DJ will play a set, and we will have a break out room open for you to slip into and have a breather.

    Dress for the disco, kick back that computer chair, close the door and let the music move you.

    This will be 40 or so minutes of a variety of dancing music - with the zoom link staying open for an informal chat and catch up for a further 30 mins or so.

    "...... she is the dancing queen"

Whakatūwheratanga – Opening Ceremony

Reo Pōwhiri  … Reitu Cassidy - Welcome

Reo Mihi  … Kiritapu Murray - Acknowledgement

Waiata – ĀIO ki te Aorangi … Ōtepoti roopu

Convenor’s Welcome … Cushla Clark & Philippa Van Kuilenburg

AANZPA President … Martin Putt

Karakia – Whakataka te Hau … Ōtepoti roopu

Whakanoa … kai and/or drink and move into break-out rooms

Whakamutunga – Closing

Convenor’s kōrero … Cushla Clark & Pip Van Kuilenburg

Handover … Brisbane Conference 2024 Committee

Karakia – Whakataka te Hau … Ōtepoti roopu


  • Registrations will open on May 1st 2022
  • Registration for the Conference is only open to current AANZPA members and trainees

Register for AANZPA Conference 2022

We are looking forward to seeing you!
Cushla Clark & Philippa van Kuilenberg
Conference convenors

Conference Committee left to right:
Cushla Clark, Co-Convenor; Cissy Rock, Secretary; Faith Moon, Registrar; Philippa van Kuilenburg, Co-Convenor; Vivienne Thomson, Programme Director; Eric Park, Treasurer (with support from David Grant not pictured) 

News and Updates


6 July 2022: Countdown to the Conference

Kia ora koutou  Greetings to you all 

We are looking forward to being with you on July 8th and 9th at AANZPA Conference 2022.

This email has must-read information.

Friday evening programme (times are NZST)

6:30 PM: Zoom room opens
7:00 PM: Whakatūwheratanga – Opening Ceremony
7:30 PM Plenary Session
9:00 PM: Close

Conference information

  • You can expect to receive Zoom links directly from your workshop presenter for your workshop; these will be different for each workshop. Please note the workshop links may be in the local time of the presenter.  
  • Faith Moon +64 027 538 1040, our registrar, will be on hand to assist people throughout the conference. 
  • The outline of the opening ceremony is on the AANZPA website.  
  • If you have technical difficulties, here are the people you can ring: Vivienne Thomson – +64 021 177 0727, Eric Park – +64 022 377 6606
Below is some information about our opening ceremony, which has been shared by Rōpū Māori 2022. This is an inclusive process and the information below is to assist us to feel at ease and understand the significance of this key ceremony.

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei a koutou ka karapinepine mai nei, i roto i te ahuatanga o te wā o Matariki, tēnā rā koutou katoa. 

The AANZPA Conference committee in partnership with the Roopu Māori are opening the conference with an expression and adaptation of pōwhiri, our indigenous Māori formal welcoming ceremony. This is in response to the move from kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face to face) to an online platform.

We have been thoughtful in this creative process in order to uphold and maintain the mana of this tikanga encounter and to weave in the theme of the conference.

Our opening is a sacred ceremony. We invite you to warm up to the tikanga (right thing, right way, right time) that is embodied in our process. When you join please ensure you are in a quiet space, this allows respect for the process and awareness of your environment.  We will be live and delivering this in the moment across both Aotearoa and Australia and hope our sound is adequate for the mauri to reach you and draw us together. 

There will be a group in Ōtepoti (Dunedin) sharing/holding/sending the waiata out to you all. The words are available and we hope you will join us in generating connection and energy across the motu and across Australia. (During the waiata your microphone will be on mute to avoid feedback)

To complete the opening ceremony we will shift into whakanoa (out of the tapu and formal state into noa). We suggest you have a kai (food) or inu (drink) on hand to take into the breakout spaces. This will mark the end of our formalities and time to continue with our encounters and conference fun.

Learn more about pōwhiri and other tikanga

Here are links to the waiata and karakia that will be used:

AANZPA Conference Committee
Philippa van Kuilenburg; Cushla Clark Co convenors, Eric Park Treasurer, Faith Moon Registrar, Vivienne Thomson Programme Co-ordinator, Cissy Rock Secretary  

Rōpū Māori 2022
Chris Hill; Sheryl Horomona-Gardyne; Megan Ellis; Reitu Cassidy; Trisha Bennett; Jo Lucas Fashuen; Kiritapu Murray; Cinnamon Boreham; Arohanui Grace; Phil Carter.

1 May 2022: AANZPA 2022 Conference: Registration

Kia ora warm greetings to you all,

We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the AANZPA Conference 2022 Online Event. Your registration fee includes two workshop Streams, the Plenary Session, the Closing and Celebration and the Online Dance.

The programme is on the AANZPA Conference 2022 Programme page. Some workshops have a limit on the number of participants, so register early to ensure your choice is available.

We looking forward to seeing you all on Friday 8th July.

Faith Moon
Conference Registrar
On behalf of the AANZPA Conference 2022 Committee

21 April 2022: AANZPA 2022 Conference: Online event programme
Kia ora warm greetings to you all,

The Conference Committee is excited to share the programme for the AANZPA 2022 On-line Event on July 8 and 9. The conference theme this year is:

“Co-Creative Human Endeavour, Our Expression of Psychodrama in Practice”

The programme is on the AANZPA Conference 2022 Programme page, We invite you to go into the webpage and get a sense of where your interest lies. We appreciate the rich diversity of applications of the method that are on display in the workshops and that the presenters are willing to experiment with being online in these unusual circumstances.

Registrations will open on May 1. You will notice that the event now runs over two days, Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9. Some workshops have a limit on the number of participants, so register early to ensure your choice is available.

We have scheduled two “Fun with Zoom” Workshops prior to the On-line Event in July. These are to assist any of us who wish to upskill on zoom to ensure we can easily and fully engage in the event.

The dates for these are Sunday, May 15 at 4:00 PM(NZST) and Sunday, June 19 at 7:00 PM (NZST). There will be a tick box on the registration form to register for these workshops.

We, the Conference Committee have enjoyed co-creating this programme and working together to embody the theme.

We look forward to your registrations and being online with you in July.

Co- convenors: Cushla Clark and Philippa van Kuilenburg.

Committee Members: Faith Moon, Eric Park, Cissy Rock, Vivienne Thomson.

27 February 2022: AANZPA 2022 Conference: Online event

Kia ora warm greetings to you all,

In response to requests for more time before submitting proposals for conference presentations, we have extended the deadline for receiving these proposals to 5:00 PM on 6th March 2022. Please go to the Call for Presenters to fill out the form.
Just to reassure you that we understand the limitations working online places on us using psychodrama. The Conference Committee will be running sessions leading up to the conference for both presenters and participants on how to make the most of using Zoom. We will let you know about this closer to the time. In the meantime, we welcome your proposals for conference sessions.

AANZPA Conference 2022 Organising Committee.

1 February 2022: AANZPA 2022 Conference: Online event

Kia ora warm greetings to you all,

Following on from the announcement made at the AANZPA AGM on January 22 2022, the conference committee is delighted to confirm that we are hosting an online event for the association.

This will take place on July 8, 9 and 10, 2022: Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday afternoons NZST time.

We will build on learnings about online events and curate a simple to use, dynamic event that allows us to connect and share our practice with each other.

Registration will open on April 1st. The cost is to be confirmed and we will keep this as low cost as possible.

Online event
All times are NZST time zone
Friday 8th July 2022
Opens at 7:00 PM Welcome, connections and panel discussion
Closes at 9:00 PM
Saturday 9th July 2022
Opens at 2:30 PM
Two session streams – each stream multiple session choices
Stream one starts at 2:45 PM
Stream two starts at 4:45 PM
Celebration and online dance 6:45 PM
Closes when the dancing stops
Sunday 10th July 2022
Opens at 2:30 PM
Two session streams – each stream multiple session choices
Stream three starts at 2:45 PM
Stream four starts at 4:45 PM
Closing ceremony 6:20 PM
Informal online spaces are available at times throughout the event.

The theme Co-creative Human Endeavour – Our Expression of Psychodrama in Practice seems more relevant than ever.

The Call for Presenters is open until 23rd February.

The Conference webpage will be kept up to date and therefore is the best place to go for information.

Looking forward to being able to make meaningful connections at this event.

Ngā mihi
The Conference Committee

26 September 2021: Postponement

Mauri oho
Mauri tū
Mauri ora ki a tātou
Haumi e, Hui e, 
Tāiki e!

Awaken spirit
The life force engaged
The living spirit amongst us
United in purpose to come together as a group

Ka whanawhana ai te tīwhanawhana o Kahukura i te rāngi
Let the arch of the rainbow glisten

Warm greetings to you all from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland…

After much future projection, consideration, and bearing in the unknown
the AANZPA Executive & AANZPA Northern region Conference Committee
have decided to

the upcoming
January 2022 AANZPA Conference
Co-Creative Human Endeavour our Expression of Psychodrama in Practice,
our 40th AANZPA conference from 19-23 January 2022 to

 6 -10 July, 2022.

Together we have come to the view that we are (hopefully) much more likely to be able to come together as an association, kanohi ki te kanohi face to face, for an in-person conference if we delay to the middle of the year.

We are of course responding to the outbreak of the Covid -19 Delta variant and the consequences of the divergent responses of both state and national governments in Australia and Aotearoa NZ combined with the timing around vaccination initiatives and the potential changes to the current national and international travel restrictions.

This buys us some time with travel restrictions and vaccination initiatives and reignites our enthusiasm all the more to push ahead with creating a conference in 2022 that we, from all our regions, might all be able to attend.

We call on your spontaneity and creativity to partner with us in this endeavour to meet face to face in 2022. Please adjust schedules, warm up to offering and leading a conference session and get in behind this change to the norm. All other practical details regarding the conference venue, accommodation and cost will remain the same.

AANZPA is still required, as a legal entity, to hold our 2022 AANZPA AGM within 15 months of the last AGM. In line with this, the AGM will still go ahead as  planned on Saturday January 22, 2022 and will be held via ZOOM online.

We are also giving you notice that the following conference will now be held 18 months later in January 2024 rather than 6 months later in January 2023. This conference is planned to be held in Australia.

Furthermore, we will hold our 2023 AANZPA AGM on Saturday 21 January 2023 via ZOOM online.

Please join with me in thanking the AANZPA Northern Conference Committee for their determination to remain flexible and responsive to the ever-changing circumstances in Australia and Aotearoa and to create an inclusive, safe, and stimulating in-person conference in Auckland.

I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM on Saturday January 22 online and in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland on July 6, 2022. A zoom invite to all AANZPA members will be sent in due course.

Any correspondence welcome to president@aanzpa.org

Ngā mihi mahana, warmly

Cushla Clark & Philippa van Kuilenburg       Conference Convenors
Martin Putt     AANZPA President

On behalf of AANZPA’s Executive Committee & AANZPA Northern’s Conference Committee


Conference Artwork


The artwork for the conference is comes from one of our own, Philippa van Kuilenburg. The starting place of the painting was cornfields coming with dark clouds overhanging (perhaps she had a vision of the challenging times we are facing at the time of painting back in 2016). There was no particular decision about what was painted. The image emerge spontaneously and this is her statement about the image:

Deciding that the overhang was too grim I focused on the spontaneity of growth and the joy of emerging out of the old, reaching for the sky into the light and standing proud. Thus the name was born, Arising.

Conference Policies

Refund and Cancellations Policy

Registration refunds are at the discretion of the Conference Treasurer. Conference fees may be repaid in full for cancellation requests received on or before 12 January 2025. After this date, refunds may be paid minus an administration fee of $25. 

All registrations will be processed when payment is received. For specific payment and refund inquiries email: conftreasurer@aanzpa.org