Ōtepoti, Aotearoa (Dunedin, New Zealand)

Ka tangi te pipiwharauroa, ko ngā karere a Māhuru
(The cries of the pipiwharauroa, herald the beginning of spring)
Tēnei te mihi atu ki a koutou e ngā manuhiri tūārangi, e ngā uri o ngā hau e whā o te ao.
Nau mai, Haere mai ki Ōtepoti, ki Te Waipounamu, ki te kāinga o ō mātou tīpuna.
E ngā waewae tapu, e ngā tangata whenua, whakatau mai rā.
Haere mai, tauti mai, whakatau mai ki tēnei hui whakahirahira, e ārahina ana e tō tātou kaupapa, 
Manaakitanga – Ko Te Mea Nui, e ū ai te kaupapa o tō tātou hui.
(We warmly greet and acknowledge all of you who will travel from afar and from the four directions of the world. Welcome to Ōtepoti, to Te Waipounamu, the land of our ancestors. To those new to this place and to the people who call this land home, we offer you a warm welcome and invitation to settle in Join us, come together and take part in this important gathering, where our kaupapa, Manaakitanga – What Truly Matters, guides our theme and everything we do.) 

Join us in Ōtepoti to connect, collaborate and embark on a conference guided and inspired by our theme, Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters.
Manaakitanga is the brightest thread in the tapestry of relationships that binds people together in mutual respect, generosity and support. The principle also embodies care, hospitality and protection. Manaakitanga recognizes the spiritual nature of mana (spiritual essence/authority) embracing one’s own mana authentically and fostering a natural compassion that uplifts and encourages us all.

What Truly Matters enables each of us individually and collectively to focus on what is central in our world now within AANZPA in our work, our communities, our lives and in all our interactions.

Through our theme we embrace the spirit of Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters to create a conference where these principles guide our encounters and workshops. We invite you to offer workshops and actively participate in shaping our AANZPA 2025 conference embodying these values in every aspect of our gathering.

Nāu te rourou, Nāku te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi. 
From your basket, and my basket, our people will thrive

Conference Dates

Pōwhiri (Conference Opening): 5:00pm Wednesday, Jan 15
Whakawātea (Conference Closing): 1:30pm -3:00pm, Sunday, Jan 19
AANZPA AGM: 9am-4:30pm, Saturday, Jan 18
Dinner Dance with Live Music: 6:30pm, Saturday, Jan 18
Pre-Conference Workshops: Tuesday/Wednesday, Jan 14-15
Post-Conference Workshops: Monday/Tuesday, Jan 20-21


Registrations are open
Registration closes on 31st December 202

Pre and Post-Conference Workshops

Proposal for a Conference Session

Conference News

Conference Registration

Venue and Accommodation

Conference Programme

More Information soon

Contact Information

Pōwhiri & Whakawātea: Welcome and Opening & Closing

We are preparing a pōwhiri (opening and welcome process) to set the scene and warmly receive you to Ōtepoti, to the rohe of Kāi Tahu (the land and region of the people of Tahu) and to Salmond Hall on January 15th. This traditional ceremony will be supported by mana whenua and invites us all to unite and fully embrace the shared purpose and spirit.

The pōwhiri signals the beginning of the conference and includes dinner – kai whakanoa that transitions us from tapu (formal/sacred space) to noa (normal/ordinary). After this we will gather for mihimihi, sociometry and continuing our warm-up to one another and our work together.

To conclude our conference we will have a whakawātea, a closing ceremony, to include an opportunity for reflections as well as ‘tukua te mauri’, where the handing over the spirit of this year’s conference to the hosts for AANZPA Conference 2026 will take place.

Plan Your Hikoi (Trip)

Whether you travel by road, air, or via Queenstown, stay tuned for upcoming information to help you plan your adventure. Discover activities to enjoy before or after the conference, from electric bike rides around the harbour to exploring Diana Jones and Chris Hosking’s favourite pre-loved clothes shops in Ōtepoti. Enjoy scenic bush walks, serene spots by the harbour and sea, and experience the unique outdoor pool at St Clair.

Stay tuned for more information on transportation options and recommended activities.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

A full day on Saturday dedicated to the AGM – this will be a hybrid event with online and kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) options.

Dinner Dance

Join us for a fun evening of local musical talent and a sampling of seasonal kai. This will be a BYO event with plenty of opportunities to get the tipple of your choice locally.

Location and Accommodation

All conference events will be hosted at Salmond Halls of Residence, 19 Knox Street, North East Valley, Ōtepoti Dunedin, nestled amidst trees and bush, where native bird song welcomes each dawn. Live-in accommodation includes all meals, providing a comfortable and communal experience. We can accommodate most dietary requirements. Our conference committee members will be available throughout the event at Salmond.

Stay tuned for more details about the location, accommodation, and dining options.

Te Aka Māori Dictionary

Conference Policies

Refund and Cancellations Policy

Registration refunds are at the discretion of the Conference Treasurer. Conference fees may be repaid in full for cancellation requests received on or before 8 January 2025. After this date, partial refunds may be paid minus an administration fee of $50. Any reason for cancellation is regrettable, and all efforts will be made to mitigate losses to both the member and AANZPA.

All registrations will be processed when a payment is received. If the member is using a payment plan registration will be confirmed once the payment plan is completed. For specific payment and refund inquiries email: conftreasurer@aanzpa.org

Pre and Post Conference Workshop Policy

Preference for pre and post-conference workshops will be given to registrants who have also registered for the Conference. This means sociometry built during the pre and post-conference workshops affects the conference as a whole. To assist the group process please notify the Conference Registrar as soon as possible if you cannot attend a pre or post-conference workshop.

Disability Policy

In the service of inclusion of all members of AANZPA, we accommodate those with a disability at our annual gatherings, as far as possible in communication with those affected. We anticipate that there will be some limitations in meeting all needs. We undertake to not reduce people with a disability to their specific needs or unnecessarily draw attention to their disability, rather, we aspire to relate as one human being with another.


In our conference processes, we aim to strengthen sociometry to enhance the possibility of an encounter between people. We aim to stay spontaneous in the face of exhaustion and role fatigue. There is mutual responsibility whereby the expansion of roles and role reversal is encouraged by all parties.

A Disability Liaison Person/s (DLP) is/are appointed by the Executive for the long term. To maximize full participation of all attendees the conference committee will designate one of their members to work on these matters with their own committee, the venues, with the DLP, with the conference information regarding the limits of venues.

The DLP will keep in touch with the range of people with disabilities and liaise with the conference committee member responsible for implementing this policy. A conference committee member will ensure limitations of access etc., of the venue are communicated in the conference publicity and will liaise with the venues used by the conference anticipating and progressing negotiations on conference attendees’ behalf.