Conference 2025 News

Fri, 9 August 2024: Registrations are now open
Nau mai, piki mai, tēnā koutou katoa
E kare mā, eke mai nei, hei whakamanahia … Rēhita Mai!
(Welcome again, to this place. Friends, whānau, colleagues, moving
to the next stage, confirm your intention here … and Register!)

E te whānau a AANZPA, tēnā koutou, 

Registrations are now open for the AANZPA Conference Ōtepoti 2025

We’re very much looking forward to being together with you in Ōtepoti, January 2025 for our next conference – Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters

We have a wonderful pre and post-conference workshop kete (offerings).

In the pre-conference workshops, Hamish Brown & Cinnamon Boreham will work with you over two days to discover What Truly Matters. In the spirit of Manaakitanga they will be using Moreno’s method to examine the forces that lead to increasing social cohesion, and those that lead to a decrease.
Jenny Hutt & Bev Hosking aim to assist you to consolidate or refine your intercultural work by refreshing your perspectives, tackling role conflicts and building your capacities.

Post conference, we have two more fantastic opportunities to keep nourishing yourself and your practice. Chris Hosking will be using Role Training in her workshop to create moments of optimism for everyday life.
Rollo Browne & Bona Anna’s workshop focus is on where you are in the Drama of the Unfinished Self: what supports you, what holds you back and what is needed to live in the unknown as a psychodrama director or group member.

Keep an eye on the website for more exciting programme development.

NB: Accommodation has been streamlined into the Registration process.  When you register for the conference you can book your accommodation at Salmond Hall at the same time.   Accommodation CANNOT be booked directly with Salmond College.

We have introduced a new Payment Plan option for Early Bird registrations. To take advantage of the plan, make your Early Bird registration before the 9th of October 2024. Conference registrations will close on the 31st of December 2024.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta
(If kindness is sown, then you will receive kindness)

Ngā mihi rā acknowledgements to you all from our Ōtepoti Conference Committee:
Jennifer, Judith, Reitu, Diana, Cinnamon, Maria, Megan, Rebecca.

Register for the Conference
Te Aka Māori Dictionary
Tue, 23 July 2024: Call for Papers
Call for workshops:
Invitation to contribute to the
Conference Programme
Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki
Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi
Mānawa maiea te mātahi o te tau … Mānawatia a Matariki
E te tī, e te tā, mauri ora ki a koutou katoa

Dear AANZPA members,

We invite you to submit a proposal to lead a session at our AANZPA Conference in Ōtepoti/Dunedin 2025.

Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters 
Manaakitanga is the brightest thread in the tapestry of relationships that binds people together in mutual respect, generosity and support. Our theme is inspired by the principles of inclusion, spontaneity and sociometry which lie at the heart of healing, creativity, and cohesion. These two distinct principles enable each of us to focus in on how we are together and what is important in our world now; in AANZPA, in our work, and in our lives and to which psychodrama has an essential contribution to make.

We are keen to co-create a programme with you that showcases the many ways in which you all are contributing to healing, spontaneity and encounter, and one that will refresh our organisation, and all of us both professionally and personally.

We invite you to offer a session in areas important to you in your work with individuals, groups, and organisations related to the theme and which assists us all in revitalising ourselves and our relationships, to build our courage and competence, and to warm-up afresh to our work, and community life beyond the conference.

As a guide, the types of session you might consider offering include:

  • An experiential session focused on particular states of being which respond to psychodramatic interventions, enliven participants, strengthen relationships, and improve lives; 
  • A training session where you focus on professional development for participants with your use of psychodrama, sociometry, sociodrama, role training and/or group work;
  • A short paper followed by exploration and discussion i.e., where you present your reflections and conclusions around a particular topic, or report on your thesis, or other research. 
  • A panel conversation 
    • exploring new territory for us as an organisation aligned to AANZPA’s vision.
    • sharing experiences of the impacts of the method in healing and development.

Your proposed session may be for a day, 3 hours, or 1.5 hours. Please note: To continue to build our relationships within the conference, we anticipate three full-day sessions will be programmed on Thursday 16th January of the conference.

We encourage you to consult with colleagues as you develop your proposal. Please note that, in keeping with the AANZPA Code of Ethics, Associate Members who offer a conference session are required to consult their primary trainer or supervisor in the development of their proposal and in the planning of the session.

Please submit your proposals to us, the programme committee, by 30th September 2023. This will assist us to develop an overall programme that is relevant, satisfying, and enlivening. We will respond to all proposals by 17th October 2024, and we plan to publish the final programme by 30 October 2024.

Invitation to contribute to the Conference Programme

Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With my basket and your basket, the people will thrive.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Diana Jones, Judith McDonald, and Cinnamon Boreham Scientific Programme Committee

 Invitation to contribute to the Conference Programme

Te Aka Māori Dictionary
Fri, 19 July 2024: First Panui


Ōtepoti, Aotearoa (Dunedin, New Zealand)

Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki
Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi
Mānawa maiea te mātahi o te tau … Mānawatia a Matariki

E te tī, e te tā, e ngā kārangaranga maha ki ngā hau e whā o te ao nei
Ngā waewae tapu me ngā tangata o te kainga nei
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua
Haere mai, Tauti mai, Whakapiri mai

We acknowledge the appearance of the Matariki star cluster, to mark the beginning of the Māori New Year. Matariki encourages people to come together in celebration, reflection, and planning for the future.

We invite all people from the four corners of the world, newcomers and the people of this land, to come together. To move forward guided by the wisdom of our past and embrace our diverse backgrounds.  Join us, re-unite, close and familiar.  

Nau mai, Haere mai koutou ki Te Waipounamu, ki Ōtepoti
Welcome, we welcome you all to the South Island, to Dunedin.

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt invitation to the AANZPA Conference 2025, where we will gather to celebrate psychodrama. Join us in Ōtepoti to connect, collaborate and embark on a conference guided and inspired by our theme, Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters.

Manaakitanga is the brightest thread in the tapestry of relationships that binds people together in mutual respect, generosity and support. The principle also embodies care, hospitality and protection. Manaakitanga recognizes the spiritual nature of mana (spiritual essence/integrity/authority) embracing one’s own mana authentically and fostering a natural compassion that uplifts and encourages us all.

What Truly Matters enables each of us individually and collectively to focus on what is central in our world now within AANZPA in our work, our communities, our lives and in all our interactions.

Through our theme we embrace the spirit of Manaakitanga … What Truly Matters to create a conference where these principles guide our encounters and workshops. We invite you to offer workshops and actively participate in shaping our AANZPA 2025 conference embodying these values in every aspect of our gathering.

Nāu te rourou, Nāku te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi
From your basket, and my basket, our people will thrive.

Conference Dates

Pōwhiri, Conference Opening: 5:00pm, Wednesday, Jan 15
Whakawātea, Conference Closing: 1:30pm-3:00pm, Sunday, Jan 19
AANZPA AGM: 9am-4:30pm, Saturday, Jan 18
Dinner/Dance with Live Music: 6:30pm Saturday, Jan 18
Pre-Conference Workshops: Tuesday/Wednesday, Jan 14-15
Post-Conference Workshops: Monday/Tuesday, Jan 20-21
Registration will open on the 2nd of August 2024

Conference Programme and Pre and Post-Conference Workshops

Pre-Conference workshops
Hamish Brown and Cinnamon Boreham: What Truly Matters
Jenny Hutt and Bev Hosking: Consolidating Intercultural Work

Post-Conference workshops
Chris Hosking: Creating moments of optimism for everyday life: a focus on Role Training
Rollo Browne and Bona Anna: The Drama of the Unfinished Self 

Pōwhiri & Whakawātea (Opening & Closing)

We are preparing a pōwhiri (opening and welcome process) to set the scene and warmly receive you to Ōtepoti, to the rohe of Kāi Tahu (the land and region of the people of Tahu) and to Salmond Hall on January 15th. This traditional ceremony will be supported by mana whenua (people of this region, Kāi Tahu) and invites us all to unite and fully embrace the shared purpose and spirit.  The pōwhiri signals the beginning of our conference and leads into dinner, kai whakanoa, that transitions us from tapu (formal/sacred space) to noa (normal/ordinary). Following this we’ll gather for mihimihi (greetings, introductions, focussed on the living relationships), attending to our sociometry and continuing to warm-up to one another and our work together.

To conclude our conference we will have a whakawātea, (closing ceremony), to include an opportunity for reflections as well as ‘tukua te mauri’, where the handing over the spirit of this year’s conference to the hosts for AANZPA Conference 2026 will take place.

Location and Accommodation

All conference events will be hosted at Salmond Halls of Residence, nestled amidst trees and bush, where native bird song welcomes each dawn. Live-in accommodation includes all meals, providing a comfortable and communal experience. We can accommodate most dietary requirements. Our conference committee members will be available throughout the event at Salmond.

Plan Your Hikoi (Trip)

Whether you travel by road, air, or via Queenstown, stay tuned for upcoming links on the AANZPA website to help you plan your adventure. Discover activities to enjoy before or after the conference, from electric bike rides around the harbour to exploring Diana Jones and Chris Hosking’s favourite pre-loved clothes shops in Ōtepoti. Enjoy scenic bush walks, serene spots by the harbour and sea, and experience the unique outdoor pool at St Clair.


Annual General Meeting (AGM): A full day on Saturday dedicated to the AGM – this will be a hybrid event with online and kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) options.
Dinner / Dance: Join us for a fun evening of local musical talent and a sampling of seasonal kai (specialty food, regional delicacies). This will be a BYO event with plenty of opportunities to get the tipple of your choice locally.

Contact Details

Co-Convenors: Judith McDonald, Reitu Cassidy & Jennifer Bell –
Registration Information: Rebecca Shaw –
Conference Treasurer: Maria Snegirev –
Programme Committee: Diana Jones –
Planning Your Hikoi: Megan Ellis –

Please visit the AANZPA Conference 2025 webpage for more information and updates. We look forward to welcoming you to Ōtepoti and creating an enriching and memorable conference together.

Haere mai, Tauti mai, Whakapiri mai!

Come on, Join us, re-unite, close and familiar!

 AANZPA Conference Committee, Ōtepoti
Back row: Jennifer, Maria, Rebecca, Megan
Front row: Cinnamon, Reitu, Judith, Diana