Journal articles

Authored by Warne, Heather

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
O'Rourke, Patricia; Warne, Heather Psychodrama and Infant Mental Health: An Essay and a Conversation (PDF, 154.1 KB) Journal 24 December 2015 infant mental health, Psychodrama The context for the work is an Infant Therapeutic Reunification Service. It is a joint health and child protection initiative in South Australia that works with 0-3 year-old infants who have been abused or neglected and their parent/s. Abusive parents come to the Service with minimal relational capacity and often actively work against being in relationship as their whole experience of relationship has been frightening. The focus of the work is learning to be in relationship. The client in the story has generously given permission for the work to be published and presented. Patricia O'Rourke: The reason for putting this piece of writing about this work into the psychodrama world is its eloquence. This work, and how we do it, is a synthesis or integration of psychodrama and infant mental health principles that enlarges both areas. 10 2015-12