Journal articles

Using keyword spontaneity training

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Enlivening the Psychodramatist as Writer (PDF, 79.5 KB) Journal 20 December 2011 production, spontaneity training, writers, writing There is a wide roaming pack of existential fools, mavericks and strangers in strange lands. Some are writers. Some are great. The great writers have achieved a working practice of spontaneity, purpose and craft. They are alchemists working with the exhilarating power of production. They engage readers as active participants in the emerging human experience, not explaining things but crafting them in a way that the reader can experience them. Their works and their lives lived are treasures for the apprentice writer. This paper presents some of these treasures. It is designed for the psychodrama enthusiast who has been keen to bring the life of the stage to the page. 11 2011-12
Wilson, Jenny Dancing in the Sun: The Creative Combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychodrama (PDF, 189.2 KB) Journal 21 December 2012 action methods, CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, essay writing, Psychodrama, specific phobia, spontaneity training Clinical psychologist and psychodramatist Jenny Wilson values many different approaches in her work as a psychotherapist, particularly the modalities of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychodrama. Following an earlier article comparing their origins and philosophies (Wilson, 2011), she focuses here on practical application. Working with a client who has an essay writing phobia and involving a clinical psychology trainee as observer and psychodramatic auxiliary, she demonstrates that CBT and psychodrama can be creatively combined to facilitate both effective therapy and student learning. 12 2012-12