- Contents
- Editorial
- This goes with that.
- Quiet joys amongst sad sad truths.
- From being dumped by waves to finding shells on the beach: Rediscovering life after a mental health crisis in later life.
- Psychodramatic production of dreams: Their relationship to symbolising and the process of differentiation in human development.
- The writer of wild soul.
- Magical writing
- When the cow jumped over the moon.
- Of magpies, shags and burning.
- Taking sociodrama to the streets.
- Freedom to fly: Reflections on a psychodrama group for women impacted by sexual abuse.
- Jackson.
- I never knew there were two bests.
- Book review: Humanity and human sexuality: The origin and nature of sexual preference by Kevin Franklin.
- Cover image: Talking to Country.
- Nancy and Nikki McCoy