Journal articles

Using keyword breath

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Carter, Dr. Philip Hopeless, Choiceless and Other Experiential Openings for Psychodramatic Theory and Practice (PDF, 251.3 KB) Journal 30 December 2021 auxiliary, Bohm, breath, choice, death, doubling, heart, interpersonal neuro-biology, loci of identity, love, Max Clayton, mirror neurons, mirroring, neuroscience, personal experience, responsibility, social field, social self, tele A warm-up One Tibetan breathing practice is to imagine a thick mass of toxicity below, breathe that into the belly and breathe out purified air. I assume the body is being used in the service of the universe. I give it a go. After a while, and totally unexpectantly, something else happens that I have never heard described. At the same time there is a cycling of muck coming in and clean going out, there’s another cycling of clean coming in and muck going out. It feels like two bellows being worked simultaneously but in opposite positions, interpenetrating each other in a yinyang way. 2 2021-12