Journal articles

Using keyword domestic violence

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Boreman, Cinnamon; Turner, Sandra The Moving Forward Project: Reflecting on the Efficacy of Sociodrama and Playback Theatre in Addressing Family Violence (PDF, 184.6 KB) Journal 21 December 2012 domestic violence, family violence, playback theatre, Psychodrama, sociodrama The Moving Forward Project is a collective endeavour established in Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand to address family violence. It aims to raise awareness of the subtleties, complexities and systemic nature of domestic violence, reduce isolation for those affected by it, promote healing and strengthen moves towards change. In this article, facilitators Sandra Turner and Cinnamon Boreham describe the project's pilot programme. They discuss the way that, in designing the programme, they matched the systemic nature of family violence with the systemic perspectives of sociodrama and playback theatre. The authors also present the programme's participants and evaluation research undertaken with them at the programme's close. 12 2012-12