Journal articles

Using keyword empathy

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Fisher, Annette Encounter: Catch a Falling Star and Put it in Your Pocket - Never Let it Fade Away (PDF, 310.2 KB) Journal 30 December 2021 attachment, attachment theory, corrective emotional experience, counter-transference, crisis intervention, crisis management, critical incident debriefing, empathy, encounter, encounter groups This paper illustrates and discusses encounter, regarding it as a vital aspect of the therapeutic relationship. In my view an encounter, as described in this paper, can provide a corrective emotional experience that assists in social atom repair and contributes to role development. The article also gives an historical background of ‘encounter’ and its place in psychodrama theory and in the canon of psychotherapy. This is followed by an illustration derived from my work with several people, and my reflections on that work. 6 2021-12