Journal articles

Using keyword experimental design

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Logeman, Walter Moreno's Scientific Methodology: By, Of and For the People (PDF, 324.3 KB) Journal 24 December 2015 experimental design, Moreno, principles of sociometry, Psychodrama, scientific methodology, social science, spontaneity This paper is an exposition of the scientific methodology developed by Jacob Levy Moreno. It is based on an extensive reading of his writing and the discovery that the heart of his philosophy includes a research paradigm that incorporates human spontaneity and unpredictability. Six principles have been identified and formed into a working description so that research may be by the people, of the people, and for the people. The paper invites a greater consciousness of this research methodology. The author hopes that practitioners of psychodramatic methods will be encouraged to apply it in their work. 12 2015-12