AANZPA Conference 2020 – Pre and Post Conference Workshops
Pre and post-conference workshops
The following workshops will be held at College House, 100 Waimairi Rd. Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand:
- Pre-Conference Workshop – The Tao of Clown: A poetic journey of awareness through laughter – Giovanni Fusetti. 20 – 21 January 2020. $500 NZD
- Pre-Conference Workshop – How do different cultures meet? – Hiromi Nakagomi. 22 January 2020. $180 NZD
- Post-Conference Workshop – It’s what we do now that matters: Spontaneity after a breach in the working alliance – Charmaine McVea. 27 – 28 January 2020. $450 NZD
Pre and Post Conference Workshop Policy
Preference for pre and post-conference workshops will be given to registrants who have also registered for the Conference. This means sociometry built during the pre and post-conference workshops has an effect on the conference as a whole. To assist the group process please notify the Conference Registrar as soon as possible if you cannot attend a pre or post conference workshop.
Conference 2020 Menu
Pre-Conference Workshop
The Tao of Clown: A poetic journey of awareness through laughter
Workshop Leader: Giovanni Fusetti
NOTE: Workshop full. Ask us if you want to go on the waiting list.
- Dates: 20 – 21 January 2020
- Times: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM each day
- Maximum participants: 14 participants
- Accommodation: Included nights – 20th and 21st January
- Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner on both Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st
Welcome to a unique adventure, in which comic poetry meets healing, movement-based theatre dances with emotional awareness and your personal clown will reveal your own crazy wisdom.
The Clown exists in a state of playing in which the player has access to the key question: what is so funny about myself? And the red nose as mask has the sublime power of transforming any core emotion into comic presence. The Clown is a very personal comic state. It exists in the fullness of the present moment: in this state of being without doing, the person touches the richness of the “here and now”.
In this letting go of all intentions, the player touches the magical “poetry of the ridiculous”: to play with one’s uniqueness, to laugh at oneself, to laugh with oneself, transforming fragility, imperfections, wounds and contradictions into comic poetry and personal power. (more…)
About Giovanni Fusetti
Giovanni is an Italian multi-disciplinary fool. Natural Scientist, Theatre Artist, Pedagogue, Gestalt Therapist, he works internationally as a teacher and process facilitator, exploring theatre as a tool for artistic training, education, healing, personal awareness and political awakening. (more…)
Pre-Conference Workshop
How do different cultures meet?
Workshop Leader: Hiromi Nakagomi
NOTE: Workshop full. Ask us if you want to go on the waiting list.
- Dates: 22 January 2020
- Times: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Workshop Fee $180 NZD
- Maximum participants: 12
- Accommodation: No accommodation
- Meals: Breakfast and lunch on Wednesday 22nd
In this workshop we will have a simple focus on ‘How do we meet each other?’ We are all from different cultures and each of us, as unique human beings, experience cultural and personal issues that are in the foreground from moment to moment. The purpose is for group members to become more subtly atuned to the social and cultural norms of individuals and the group. They will be assisted to become more conscious of what they are doing and feeling and the underlying values and biases that are present. They will develop their ability to understand and acknowledge their impact on others and from there be more able to identify the roles they enact.
Exquisite structure will enable a warm up to deeper knowing of yourself and your effect on others. We will meet beauty and ugliness as they arrive in our beings and in the group. We will be attracted and repelled by each other and neither will be preferenced. We will come to understand and experience more deeply our capacity for beauty in our relationships with each other and what really fills our hearts with joy. We will encounter whatever is born whether it is the beauty or ugliness of happiness, pleasure, satisfaction or surprise, or the truth of disappointment, sadness or loss. We will face our ignorance and find our way together.
About Hiromi Nakagomi
Hiromi is from Japan, she has travelled extensively and especially loves being in New Zealand and Australia with her AANZPA colleagues. She directs in a spacious and timely way that enables workshop participants to relish each moment. Hiromi is a Psychodramatist and an AANZPA Member. She is a trainer for the Tokyo Psychodrama Association and for many years translated for Max Clayton when he was teaching in Japan.
Post-Conference Workshop
It’s what we do now that matters: Spontaneity after a breach in the working alliance
Workshop Leader: Charmaine McVea
- Dates: Monday 27th – Tuesday 28th January 2020
- Monday: 9.30 AM – 6:00 PM. Tuesday 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
- Workshop Fee: $450 NZD
- Maximum participants: 14
- Accommodation: Included nights – 26th and 27th January
- Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Monday 27th, breakfast and lunch on Tuesday 28th
Psychodrama is a down-to-earth, practical methodology. Our training orients us to being present, to relate to the specific situation we find ourselves in at this moment and with these people. The intention is to bring greater vitality and creativity into daily living, as eloquently expressed in the AANZPA Vision statement. This is the subtle and powerful contribution that psychodrama brings to our work as educators, community developers, organisational consultants, and therapists.
And yet … if we are committed to bringing ourselves forward in the moment and developing good working alliances with clients and colleagues, we are going to fall into relationship holes from time to time. A relationship hole or breach occurs when something interferes with the collegiality and trust that has been developing between us and our clients or colleagues. It may involve a misunderstanding or an unexpected rift in expectations and norms of behaviour, especially given the different perspectives that we, as psychodramatists, bring to a system.
While a breach may be based on real or perceived grievances, the impact on the relationship is real. To contribute to a culture that values discernment rather than caution at these times, we will do well to accept rather than avoid the hole and develop our capacities to warm-up to our spontaneity in response. This workshop is concerned with what you do after there has been a breach in a working alliance: It’s not about getting it right. It’s about being committed to doing the next thing. The wider purpose is to further develop your capacity to build robust working relationships in your field of work.
There will be a focus on:
- Getting a larger perspective of the dynamics of the relationship, including the sociometry of the system in which the relationship exists;
- Developing flexibility in our warm-up, including warming up to progressive functioning while recognising and accepting the coping and fragmenting roles that emerge;
- Developing interventions, cognisant of the situation and the purpose of the working relationship.
The full range of psychodramatic modalities will be used through the workshop – sociometry, sociodramatic and psychodramatic enactments of areas relevant to the group, and undoubtedly some role training when specific role development is called for.
About Dr Charmaine McVea TEP
Charmaine is a psychodramatist and psychologist in private practice. Based in Brisbane, she commutes regularly to Sydney where she is Director of Training at Psychodrama Australia’s Sydney-Canberra campus. Charmaine enjoys working with people who want to bring greater vitality to their life and relationships and does this as a psychodrama trainer, as a therapist and as a consultant in organisational and community settings. Like many of us Charmaine confronts complex and challenging relationship issues in her work and brings this experience to this workshop. She has an original sense of humour and a keen intellect and participants can expect to be challenged and surprised by what they discover about themselves and the systems they encounter.