Journal articles

Using keyword psychodrama training

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Logeman, Walter The Value of Sociodrama in Psychodramatic Couple Therapy Training (PDF, 287.9 KB) Journal 30 December 2021 couple therapy, J L Moreno, Psychodrama, psychodrama training, psychodramatic couple therapy, relationship, sociodrama, sociodramatic couple, systems, tele This article focuses on the value of sociodrama in the training of psychodramatic couple therapists. The author describes the way in which a sociodramatic approach is employed to bring to life a ‘sociodramatic couple’, who later become the focus of training sessions in which the trainer and trainees explore the effectiveness of various interventions in couple therapy practice. Drawing on the illustrative material, the author reflects on the value of sociodrama in the development of the trainees, at both conscious and unconscious levels, and raises the possibility of applying a sociodramatic approach to training in related fields, such as individual therapy, family therapy and organisational development. 6