Journal articles

Using keyword spontaneity-creativity

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Bennet, Trisha Gifts of Encounter at Death’s Door (PDF, 167.1 KB) Journal 30 December 2021 auxiliary, death, doubling, encounter, flow, healing, J L Moreno, nursing, patient, Psychodrama, relationship, spontaneity-creativity, tele, vulnerability, Zerka Moreno Acute vulnerability, rawness, honesty, courage and depth all coexist and surface in the journey towards death. “I don’t want to die!” “It’s not fair, I’ve done everything right.” “I was not expecting this!” “I’m not ready!” “How can I leave them?” “I’m really afraid!” “I can’t even think about it!” “It’s too much!” “You wouldn’t treat a dog like this.” “This is their fault.” “Go away.” Embedded in each of these statements are offerings that communicate ‘what is’ for the person, each of which may lead to encounter. 7 2021-12