Journal articles

Using keyword editorial

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Jones, Diana Editorial 2024 (PDF, 21.9 KB) Journal 33 December 2024 editorial How does an editor decide what’s in and what’s out in their publications? For AANZPA’s Journal I discovered that to emphasise the voice of the writer and retain accurate grammar, tenses and punctuation was one key. As another key for vibrant informative writing, I am restricting the use of the word ‘it’ and invite writers to include the subjects or objects ‘it’ replaces. This decision is influenced directly by my TEPit writing supervisor Joan Chappell-Mathias who would say “It? It? What is ‘it’? You can put ‘it’ in a wheelbarrow and wheel ‘it’ around and you still wouldn’t know what ‘it’ is!” 2024-12
Crane, Sara Editorial 2023 (PDF, 49.9 KB) Journal 32 December 2023 editorial Waiho I te toipoti, Kaura I te toiroa Let’s keep close together, not wide apart. Our Journal reflects the clarity and shared understanding of who we are and what is important to us. It is also an opportunity to value the differences, divergencies and individualities amongst us. Let’s enter these territories together. 1 2023-12
Crane, Sara Editorial 2022 (PDF, 51.9 KB) Journal 31 December 2022 editorial Increasingly, in the world we now live in, we are challenged to warm up again and again to AANZPA’s vision. We seek to be spontaneous and joyful in spite of living in troubled times where war, pestilence and uncertainty are ever present. We continue to sustain ourselves through relationship and valuing our psychodrama connections, old and new, known and unknown. 1 2022-12
Crane, Sara Editorial, 2021 (PDF, 111.9 KB) Journal 30 December 2021 editorial 1 2021-12
Crane, Sara Editorial, 2020 (PDF, 65.4 KB) Journal 29 December 2020 editorial Editorial 3 2020-12
Carter, Dr. Philip Journal 25 December 2016 - Editorial (PDF, 156.1 KB) Journal 25 December 2016 editorial Welcome to the 25th edition. The cover is a collage of AANZPA members when they were in their mid-twenties. So much life! 4 2016-12
Carter, Dr. Philip Journal 24 December 2015 - Editorial (PDF, 155.4 KB) Journal 24 December 2015 editorial No abstract available 5 2015-12