Journal articles

Using keyword leadership

Author Title Issue Keywords Abstract Sequence
Callanan, Jennifer Taking Leadership of the Soul: Julie takes charge (PDF, 109.7 KB) Journal 32 December 2023 concretisation, creativity, cultural conserve, enactment, God, J L Moreno, leadership, Moreno, role reversal, soul, surplus reality, systems theory, transformation This article, using extracts from Jennifer Callanan’s Psychodrama Thesis, shares a glimpse into the complete work, “Taking Leadership of the Soul. Revitalising leadership development through psychodrama’s experiential learning approach,” completed in June 2023. 5 2023-12
Brown, Hamish Collaborative Decision Making in Facilitated Groups and Other Organisations (PDF, 230.1 KB) Journal 31 December 2022 collaboration, decision making, dependency, development, facilitation, leadership, Moreno, organisation, relationship, role, role theory, social system, sociometry, subgroups Developing collaborative approaches in organisational settings is very challenging. If collaboration were simple most organisations would adopt such practices with ease. However, this is rarely the case. I have spent nearly three decades working to find effective ways to bring about collaboration in organisational settings. This paper presents the approach that I and my colleagues from Phoenix Facilitation developed to make collaborative decision making in groups and complex organisational settings possible. It is based primarily on the Psychodramatic theories of sociometry and role theory. In this paper I will introduce you to three dimensions of organisational life that are central to organisational functioning and discuss how these dimensions relate to one another. I will present a diagnostic and descriptive model that arises from this approach, which assists in seeing and understanding the relational dynamics people in the organisation are experiencing. This model also directly assists in planning organisational change. 2 2022-12
Jones, Diana The Art of Writing is Born by Considering Elephants (PDF, 93.7 KB) Journal 31 December 2022 creative genius, essay writing, leadership, Max Clayton, organisational consulting, supervision, writers, writing Have you ever sat down to write and waited or even prayed for a flash of brilliance that never came? Writing an assignment, a thesis, or a book might well seem impossible. You might have got started but floundered? After experiencing this many times myself, I discovered a secret. Well, more I attended to a cliché — on how to eat an bite at a time. 6 2022-12
Tapley, Kate The Horse as an Auxiliary for Life - Natural horsemanship, psychodrama and leadership development (PDF, 178.2 KB) Journal 28 December 2019 auxiliary, healing, horse, human development, J L Moreno, leadership, Moreno, natural horsemanship, Psychodrama Natural horsewoman and psychodrama trainee Kate Tapley draws our attention to the horse as an auxiliary for life. Through her work training riders in natural horsemanship from a psychodramatic perspective, she has noticed that horses, unerring sentients that they are, act as auxiliaries for human beings, mirroring their inner often unconscious experience with immediacy and authenticity, and following only those riders who prove themselves willing to enter their here and now world of being-ness and presence, as ‘true leaders’. This article presents the application of this approach during a natural horsemanship workshop and the positive outcomes in terms of leadership development, healing and wholeness. 7 2019-12
Hill, Chris; Hosking, Chris; Jones, Diana Leadership Material (PDF, 846.5 KB) Journal 26 December 2017 leadership Chris Hill: I have been intrigued about what has been unexpected for you. What has happened in response, that you couldn't have imagined happening, or didn't imagine happening? Diana: One of the things that's been unexpected, and amazing, is that the book has had a lot of interest internationally. People have wanted to interview me about my ideas in the book:, CEO magazine, and the Huffington Post. Quotes of mine have been tweeted. 'Feedback is a lever for a development conversation. It's not the answer' went whizzing around the world. I never expected that. It means something to business people. What I am saying is making sense to them. 4 2017-12